Chapter 26

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‘Oi, sleepyheads get up! You do know it’s 3 in the afternoon?’ I shouted before opening Jay and Jordan’s bedroom door. ‘Woah!’ I said covering my eyes. The quilt was just about on the bed still but it was obvious they had no clothes on.

‘That’ll teach you for entering without asking.’ Jay said laughing. ‘You can open your eyes now.’ They were both sat up, the quilt safely covering them both and they were both smiling.

‘Did we miss much at the party last night?’ Jordan asked.

‘Siva and Max were enjoying themselves a bit too much when they were dancing together but it sounds like you two were having a great time when we got back.’ I said winking. Jay grinned and put his arm around Jordan.

‘Well we had a lot of catching up to do.’ He said winking back.

‘Yeah well get dressed, we are deciding what we are going to watch tonight so I can go to the rental shop and get some scary movies.’ I said throwing the pile of clothes that had been thrown off the end of the bed at them.

‘Why do we need to watch scary movies?’ Jordan asked.

‘Because it’s Halloween.’ I said.

‘Oh yeah!’

‘Oh and Jay, you will need to give Jordan the new key card to get in the flat.’ I reminded him before walking out.

‘Key card?’ she asked.

‘Yeah we had the locks redone, so you have to have the electronic card to open and lock the front door and back door. I will go and get one off Jayne for you later.’ He said.


‘Right I’m going to get some goodies from the shop back in a minute!’ I shouted before walking out the door. I put the key card in my pocket and started to walk up the street. I was in a world of my own when two lads, they looked my age, ran down the road, one knocking into me.

‘Oi, watch it mate.’ I said. They didn’t even apologise and so I spent the rest of the walk moaning to myself about people’s lack of manners. I filled a basket full of sweets and chocolate before heading to the checkout. The woman raised her eyebrows at how much stuff I had chosen.

‘It’s not all for me!’ I said. I paid the money and carried the bag home. It was already starting to get dark. As I got to the house Jay was heading out.

‘Where are you going?’ I asked.

‘To get another key card off Jayne for Jordan.’ He replied.

‘Oh yeah I forgot she doesn’t have one. Sounds like you two had fun last night eh?’ I asked nudging him slightly.

‘The best night in a long time.’ He replied laughing. I walked into the house and took all the goodies in the kitchen.

‘Right we are going to head out in a minute to get some DVDS and drop Siva and Chloe at the off licence to get some alcohol. Max and Abi are going to grab a chinese for us on the way over.’ Tom said. Jordan was in the kitchen getting a drink of water. She pulled out a box of tablets and took out 6 different ones.

‘Do you have to take them forever now?’ I asked her unloading the bag onto the worktop.

‘Nah, just for a few weeks to help me with my mood swings and stuff.’ She said.

‘Back in a minute!’ shouted Tom and the four of them went out the house. I went in the living room and drew the curtains as darkness had truly fallen. As I went to turn on the light the bulb blew and all of the lights went off.

‘For god’s sake.’ I said moaning. I got my phone out of my pocket and used it as a torch to find the fuse box in the hall. Jordan came in as well.

‘That’s strange none of the fuses have blown.’ I said frowning.

‘We must of had a power cut because the TV has gone off too.’ She said. Just then my phone ran out of battery.

‘Damn! I was meant to put that on charge, now how I am going to charge it?’

‘Do we have any torches?’ Jordan asked.

‘No, where’s your phone?’ I asked.

‘Ah shit! It was in the jacket pocket that Jay put on to go out in. I looked out the small window in the hall and a thought occurred to me.

‘That’s strange. Why is our house the only one in the street that has gone off? That would only happen if someone has specifically cut out cable from the main grid.’ I said.

‘Shall we go and see if the neighbours have a torch and we can use their phone to contact the others, we can’t just sit around in the dark.’ She suggested. I went to get my key card out my pocket but it wasn’t there. I used my hands to guide me through the pitch black to the kitchen to see if I had left it on the side.

‘Fuck!’ I shouted.

‘What?’ Jordan said running in.

‘I had my card in my pocket when I went to the shop, and these lads ran past me and knocked me. They must have knocked it out my pocket. How are we going to get out now?’

‘Just wait for the others they shouldn’t be too long.’ She said. Then we heard a massive bang from in the cellar.

‘What was that?’ she said panic clear in her voice.

‘I don’t know, maybe one of the boxes fell over’ I said trying to keep calm. However the whole thing did seem a little creepy.

‘Can you hear that?’ she whispered. I listened and could hear the faint whispering of two men.

‘That’s coming from down there isn’t it?’ she said. I could hear her breathing getting quicker and noisier she sounded like she was about to have a panic attack and I didn’t want her to attract us any unwanted attention. She couldn’t see me but from her breathing I knew where she was stood. I walked over to her and went to grab her arm but I knew this would scare her and make her scream. I felt guilty for doing it but it was the only way she wouldn’t scream. I stood right behind before covering her hand with my hand. As expected she jumped but no sound escaped. Her body became tense as she tried to struggle so I pressed my mouth to her ear.

‘Keep still, it’s me.’ At once she stopped moving and I felt her body relax. She grabbed my arm and was squeezing it tightly to make sure I wouldn't go anywhere. I continued to whisper.

‘Calm down. We’re going to go upstairs and barricade ourselves in a room until the others get back. Then we will get their attention through the window.’ She nodded her head to show she had understood. I grabbed her hand and silently led her up the stairs.

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