Chapter 23

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I woke the next morning to find a note on the dressing table. It read: Downstairs making breakfast, come down when you’re ready. J x.

I smiled to myself as I got out of bed and pulled on one of Jay’s hoodies. I pulled my tracksuit bottoms on and out on some slipper socks before heading downstairs. The house was strangely quiet this morning but I presumed everyone had gone out. As I went into the living room I saw Abi and Chloe sat together on the sofa whispering. As soon as they saw me, they instantly stopped and pretended to watch TV ignoring me completely. Were they talking about me? They must’ve been. I bet everyone hates me now. I went into the kitchen and all I could think about was what they were saying. Paranoia took over my mind and I started scratching my arms trying to get the thought out my mind. Before I could, two arms wrapped around me and pulled my own arms apart. I felt relief at being in his arms again. I turned round and leant into his chest.

‘What’s the matter?’ he said before picking me up and putting me on the worktop.

‘Nothing. Abi and Chloe were whispering in the living room but as soon as I walked in they stopped and ignored me. I think they were talking about me. What if they were saying horrible things?’ I said.

‘Jordan they’re supposed to be your friends they wouldn’t say horrible things about you, so just relax.’ He smiled at me and I smiled back, staring into his beautiful blue eyes. He turned around and put some bread in the toaster for me.

‘I was thinking, why don’t we decorate our room today. I bought the paper you wanted from the shop after you left yesterday and we have all the stuff to do it.’ He suggested.

‘Yeah, why not?’ I answered. I ate my breakfast and went and got changed into some old clothes whilst Jay bought all the stuff upstairs. We covered all our stuff so it would not get dirty and we started decorating.

After a few hours we had finally managed to put the wallpaper on the feature wall and now all we had to do was paint the other walls. We opened the paint tubs and got to work. I was busy painting he back wall when Jay called my name.

‘What?’ I said turning around. As I did he wiped the paintbrush across my face leaving a line of bright white paint.

‘You’re going to pay for that McGuiness!’ I said flicking him with my own brush. It turned into a mini paint fight until Nathan came up.

‘I thought you were painting the walls, not each other.’ He said laughing. Jay looked at me, with a mischievous glint in his eye and I knew exactly what he was thinking. At the same time we both dipped our paintbrushes in the pots before flicking them a Nathan.

‘Stop it! These are my brand new jeans.’ He said running to his room to take cover. We both laughed as we carried on painting, we could still hear him moaning from the other room. He finally came out and he had got changed.

‘Oh yeah, the real reason I came up was to tell you dinner was nearly ready.’ He ran downstairs before either one of us had chance to get him again. We took our shoes off and went to the bathroom to wash our hands. As we went downstairs everyone was sat at the table. We took our seats as Max and Abi bought out the plates. Max had cooked a homemade curry but I wasn’t in the mood for spicy food tonight so I didn’t touch mine. Abi picked up on this straight away.

‘Are you going to eat it or what?’ she said in quite a nasty tone.

‘No, I don’t want curry tonight.’ I said. Here we go again, I had been fine all day why was I changing now. I felt Jay put his hand on my leg for support, he could tell on Abi’s face she was losing her temper with me.

‘Max has spent most of the day cooking this and you aren’t even going to try it? He has gone to so much effort and you are just being awkward!’ I didn’t say anything but just stood up and walked into the living room. I sat on the sofa as the others finished the meal. When they were finished Jay walked in and sat next to me.

‘Jordan, go upstairs please. I will be up in a minute.’ I tried to argue back, I didn’t like being treated like a child but he interrupted.

‘I’m not mad at you but please go upstairs before Abi rips your head off. I don’t want you to lose your temper again. I will be up in a minute.’ He hugged me before I got up and walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I could hear them all talking in the kitchen below.


‘Jay she is just being ungrateful and awkward, how can you keep sticking up for her? Becky told us about what happened in the shop yesterday and you’re still letting her hurt you.’ Abi moaned. I looked at Tom for support. I knew he was the only other one that truly understood that she was not herself.

‘Abi, just drop it will you? You weren’t in the airport with us, you didn’t see what it was like and it’s still really affecting Jordan.’ He said.

‘Oi, don’t speak to my girl like that!’ Max said.

‘Abi’s right she was being really ungrateful tonight.’ I couldn’t listen to them speak about her like this any longer.

‘She’s ill! She isn’t right in her mind at the minute and the worst thing I could do at the minute is leave her. It does hurt when she shouts at me but I get over it, she is going to get help and she will get better. Now just lay off her! And you don’t have the right to tell me what I should do with my relationship. I love Jordan and I will support her all the way.’ Why could Max and Abi not understand that? Max lost his temper and started to shout.

‘HOW DO YOU KNOW SHE WILL STOP BEING LIKE THIS JAY? SHE HAS GONE CRAZY OVER THE PAST WEEK SHE IS MENTAL!’ At that point Tom nudged me lightly in the arm and I turned around to see Jordan stood in the doorway, tears rolling down her cheeks.

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