Chapter 5

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Becky POV

We were all stood, watching Nathan and Tom trying to reason with Jack. ‘No one cares about what happened with you and Amber, now just move out the way so we can get past!’ Nathan shouted. ‘You have got a bit too much to say for yourself, I think we need to knock that out of you right now’ Jack said laughing. One of his friends came up to Nathan and punched him hard in the stomach. He sunk to floor clutching his stomach in pain. ‘Nathan!’ I shouted running over to him. One of the men grabbed me from behind as two more men walked to Nathan. They started punching and kicking him, and he lay there on the floor trying to cover his head with his hands. I could feel the tears running down my face, I felt so helpless.

Siva POV

‘Chloe stand behind me. Don’t make it obvious but ring for an ambulance and the police now.’ I whispered to her. She moved behind me and I could feel her whispering into my back as one of the men started on Tom as he was trying to help Nathan.


‘Jay, we need to distract them, they are going to kill Nathan if they carry on!’ Jordan said to me tears spilling out of her eyes. I pulled her close as I desperately tried to think of something. Jordan then wiped her tears and looked up at me. ‘Promise me you won’t try and stop me’ she said looking me straight in the eyes. I loved her green eyes. ‘Stop you doing what?’ I asked confused. She didn’t reply, she just stopped hugging me and walked over to where Nathan was. Then I clicked. ‘JORDAN!’ I shouted but she was already there, face to face with Jack.

‘Let Nathan go please, what has he done to you?’ she said to him. ‘Same thing you did to mine and Amber’s relationship, stuck his nose in when it wasn’t his business’ Jack replied shrugging his shoulders. 'Lay off him now, let him go. Please.’ She pleaded with him.

He looked like he was considering the idea for a minute and then he said ‘Fine. Stop now boys.’ Jack’s friends stopped hurting Nathan who was barely conscious, covered in blood. Becky ran to his side as Amber went to Tom who has a black eye and bloody nose.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw Jordan turn away from Jack and start walking back to me. But Jack came from behind her and grabbed her. ‘I said I would stop hurting them, but you can’t expect to get away with speaking to me like that can you?’ he laughed in her ear. I could feel myself shaking. I felt sick at the thought of him hurting Jordan. I went to move forward but his friend was too quick and held me still.

Jordan POV

I could smell the stench of beer and cigarettes as Jack breathed over my face. He suddenly grabbed my hair and pulled hard forcing my head back. I gasped at the sharp pain.I could feel everyone watching me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Amber crying in Tom's arms. He then pushed me to the ground and my head hit the pavement. The last thing I remembered before losing consciousness was seeing Jay’s big blue eyes finding mine.

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