Chapter 18

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We could see people coming towards the door and so the police officer pulled us back. As the door opened the others ran to us. The armed police came out escorting Jack and his friends to the police van but they were shouting for paramedics. As soon as they were out the door I sprinted inside, Amber not far behind me, with the others following us. We saw Tom and Jordan unconscious on the floor but they were so close together we couldn’t tell who had been shot. However as we got closer, I saw Tom’s leg covered in blood. Amber screamed and dropped to her knees stroking Tom’s face her tears splashing his face. I took Jordan from his arms and carried her out the way so the paramedics could get to Tom’s leg. Amber was still kneeling at his side and Max and Abi were trying to comfort her. The paramedics assured her he was still breathing and he was in a stable condition, they just needed to clean and bandage the wound. Siva and Chloe had gone back outside to ring a couple of taxis to the hospital, we wouldn’t all fit in two ambulances. Nathan and Becky came over along with two more paramedics. I leant over her face to make sure she was breathing and I let out a huge sigh of relief as I heard it, slow and shallow but at least she was still breathing. I sat down against the wall and pulled her close to my chest rubbing her back. My eyes started stinging but I wasn’t going to hold the tears in this time.

‘I thought I had lost you, you know I never wanted to leave you in here and I’m so so sorry.' I buried my face in her hair and the tears fell. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

‘Mate, the doctors need to check her over.’ Nathan said. I slowly and reluctantly let her go, I had only just got her back, I didn’t want to let her go again. I stood up and followed the paramedics to the ambulance. We waited whilst they checked her over and we watched as they carried Tom out on a stretcher. He was starting to regain consciousness as he was stirring. Amber climbed into the ambulance and they left to go the hospital. Max and Abi came over.

‘How is she?’ Abi said.

‘Stable, they’ve just got to wait for her to wake up now.’

‘Oh mate.’ Said Max pulling me into a hug. I cried like a baby into his shoulder.

‘I thought I was going to lose her.’ We pulled apart.

‘Go on you big softie, get in the ambulance and we will see you there.’ I climbed in and we set off to the hospital. I held Jordan’s hand all the way there.

We were almost there when she started to stir. She was murmuring something but I couldn’t make out what she was saying at first. Then she became clearer.

‘Jay... don’t leave me... I love you.’ I smiled at her and whispered

‘I love you too.’

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