Chapter 10

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I was moving my hand, trying to find Becky’s before opening my eyes. When I couldn’t find it I opened my eyes but she had gone. I looked around the room for a note but there was nothing. The only difference was that her jacket and shoes had gone. I decided to go and see if she was in one of the others’ rooms. I went to Jay and Jordan’s first, so I could see how Jordan was. I was relieved when I went in and saw she had woken up. ‘How are you feeling?’ I asked. ‘Loads better actually’ she smiled as she got up to help Jay put their stuff away.

‘Have any of you saw Becky, I just woke up and she isn’t in the room?’ I asked. Jordan and Jay looked at each other in surprise. ‘No mate, but we will come and help you look’ Jay said. We all walked out and went in separate directions, looking for Becky.


I wondered downstairs to the lounge and bar area to see if Becky had gone to get a drink. What I saw as I walked through the door made me stop still and my mouth hang open. Sat at the bar was Becky, but she wasn’t alone. She was kissing Tom, they had their hands wrapped tightly around each other. I gathered my senses and cleared my throat to let them know I was there. They instantly pulled apart and looked horror-struck. ‘I can explain’ Becky said. ‘It’s not me you need to explain to but I think Nathan would like to hear your excuses.’ I said turning to walk out the room. I heard Tom get off his chair and run to me and block the door way.

‘Where are you going?’ he asked looking at me with anger in his eyes. ‘To get Amber and Nathan, don’t you think they have a right to know?’ I said trying to push past him.

‘Look there isn’t any need mate, it was one kiss, none of us are perfect in relationships you should know that.’ I could feel the anger building, he had hit a nerve and I was ready to argue back. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ I said squaring up to him.

‘I bet Jordan doesn’t know about that girl you got pregnant does she? What would happen if I accidently told her?’ he said narrowing his eyes.

I sighed, I was fighting a losing battle. ‘Fine, I won’t say anything. As long as it doesn’t happen again.’ I added. ‘Becky, you better go and find Nathan.’ I said before walking out. I saw Jordan as I was walking back to our room. ‘Did you find her?’ she asked. ‘Yeah, she was downstairs, she has gone back to Nath now.’

I put my arm around her shoulder and said ‘I love you Jordan, no matter what. You know that right?’ I said. She stopped and turned to face me.

‘Of course I know that, I love you too’ She said hugging me. We made our way back to our room.

Becky POV

I was lying in bed Nathan had his arm around me but there was an awkward silence. I didn’t know whether I would be able to keep tonight’s events a secret. ‘Night babe’ said Nathan. ‘Night night’ I said rolling over.


I got into the room and Amber was asleep in the bed. I smiled at her as she looked so cute asleep. I got undressed and slowly climbed in next to her, tonight’s events playing on my mind.

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