Chapter 16

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I watched as Jack walked round to Amber and pulled a coin from his pocket. ‘Heads or tails.’ He asked her. She looked at me, with fear in her eyes before turning back to Jack.

‘Tails’ she said. I prayed it would be tails, I wanted her to get out of here, away from Jack.

‘Hmm, must be your lucky day, its tails.’ He said. I let out a small moan of relief. He untied her and made her stand up.

‘Amber!’ I shouted. She turned round to look at me. ‘I love you’ I said.

‘I love you to Tom-‘

‘Alright, let’s move before I change my mind.’ He took her to the door before pushing her through it and returning. This time he walked over to me. ‘Heads or tails...’


I got out the door and saw the others running towards me. Siva reached me first and pulled me into a hug.

‘How did you get out? Have they found Jordan yet? Where are the others?’ Becky asked.

‘Woah, one question at a time Becks.’ Said Chloe.

‘He made us do heads or tails. If we guessed right we could come out. I went first, the others haven’t had a go yet, obviously I guessed right. Jack knows where Jordan is, he said something about not hurting her but we haven’t seen her. The others are ok at the minute but Jay’s asthma is playing up again because he is panicking about Jordan.’ I finished before sitting down.

‘Someone else is coming out!’ Nathan shouted pointed to the door. We could see a silhouette through the frosted glass doors. Please be Tom I thought to myself. As the door opened Abi screamed. It was Max. She ran to the door and threw her arms around his neck sobbing on his shoulder. I was glad Max had got out but where was Tom? Max saw me staring at the door and came over.

‘Amber, he didn’t guess right. I’m sorry. I tried to swap, let Tom go and I would’ve stay but he wouldn’t let us.’ He pulled me into a hug and I couldn’t hold it in any longer.

‘This is all my fault.’ Max looked at me. ‘How is it?’

‘Jack is my ex boyfriend. I should’ve given him another chance. Then I wouldn’t have left him, I wouldn’t have met Tom or any of you boys and we wouldn’t be in this mess.’ I cried and cried, letting everything out.

‘Don’t you ever think that Amber, we all love you. And if it wasn’t for you meeting Tom, I wouldn’t have met Abi again so this is definitely not your fault.’


Only me, Tom and Jordan were left in here. Except we didn’t know where Jordan was. I was trying to keep calm but I could feel my breathing getting worse.

Then Jack started talking again.

‘Right, let’s get your girl now’ he said before walking to the fire exit stairs. He spoke to his mate before he handed Jordan over.

Tom saw her first and I knew what he saw shocked him. He gasped loudly and then I saw. Jack was walking back over to us supporting Jordan, who was blurring in and out of consciousness. She seems dazed and confused, but as soon as she saw me she started crying.

‘Jay! Jay help me, he gave me an injection, I don’t know what it was.’ Jack let go of her arm and she fell to the floor. Whatever he had given her had made her weak, she couldn’t even stand up. What happened next surprised me. Jack came over and untied me. I ran straight to Jordan and pulled her into my lap. Tears were streaming down her face but she wasn’t sobbing anymore. I couldn’t help myself panicking anymore. I went to get my inhaler out my pocket but saw it was on the floor where I had been tied up. I tried to shuffle across the floor, still holding Jordan but Jack got there first. He snatched it off the floor and twisted it in his hands, laughing.

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