Chapter 15

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‘Guys, I think Jordan’s in trouble. She said someone followed us through the airport and they’ve followed her into the toilets and now her phone is switched off.’ Max looked worried.

‘Come on we will go and find her.’ He said and as we both turned away we heard Amber shout ‘TOM!’ She ran to him and flung her arms around his neck before kissing him fully on the mouth. Then out of nowhere, two men came and pulled them apart. One of them had a familiar face...

‘JACK?’ I said. Then I thought back to Jordan. If it’s one of Jack’s friends that had followed her then I needed to get to her as soon as possible. I started to run but two more of his friends appeared from the crowd. They grabbed me and Max, with our arms behind our backs. Now I was never going to get to Jordan. She is scared and alone upstairs and she thinks I’m on my way up. Security had noticed something was going on and so they made their way through the watching crowd. As they got to us, Jack pulled a gun from his pocket.

‘Get the rest of the people out the airport NOW!’ He ordered the security.

‘All except... these 4.’ He finished, pointing at me, Max, Amber and Tom. One of the security men spoke into his radio before an announcement on the loudspeaker told people to get out the building. Some of the security grabbed Nathan, Siva and Chloe. They were all making a fuss, about how they wanted to stay but security were having none of it.

‘Where’s Becky?’ shouted Nathan. Just then, Becky and Abi came running out the shop. They saw what was going on and Becky ran to Nathan. Abi tried to run to Max but security grabbed her and dragged her out with the others.

‘NO, Max! Let me stay with him.’ She shouted tears leaking from her eyes. I looked to Max who was looking at the floor, determined not to make eye contact.

‘Please make sure she stays with the others outside.’ He said to security. When the airport was finally cleared, Jack started talking.

‘Ah, we meet again.’ We were then dragged to a bench and each tied to it.

‘What have you done with Jordan!’ I shouted.

‘Don’t worry about her. My friend is under strict instructions not to hurt her. Yet.’ He laughed. My breathing was starting to get heavy again because I was panicking.


I was still in the cubicle but my signal had gone. The man was still pounding hard on the door.

‘If you don’t let me in, I will break the door down.’ Where was Jay? He said he was coming. Then a horrible thought went through my head. What if he had been hurt?

‘Where’s Jay?’ I said, trying to sound brave but I was very unconvincing as my voice quivered.

‘Oh, he isn’t coming. My friend has held him up downstairs. I think you’ve met him before. His name is Jack.’ How did Jack know we were here? I had noticed the airport had gone silent now. The man spoke again.

‘Now, the longer you hide in there, the more chance your friends are going to get hurt. Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you, I’m not allowed to. Not yet anyway.’ He laughed the most horrible laugh. I had to open the door, to save my friends and Jay. Slowly I stood up and pulled back the lock. He roughly pushed the door open and pulled me out.

‘Good girl.’ Tears flooded my eyes before silently falling down my face but I couldn’t feel them. My whole body was numb as I was so scared. I wasn’t even shaking anymore. I knew something bad would happen, but I would do anything to protect the others. He roughly grabbed my arms behind my back and tied them up. I heard him messing with something in his pocket and then I felt a sharp stinging pain in my arm. He had given me an injection, but I had no idea what it was. Straightaway I went dizzy and I was losing focus in my vision.


We were stood outside the main entrance of the airport, waiting for some news that the others were ok. Siva and Chloe were comforting Abi who was sobbing her heart out over Max. Nathan was sat on the floor with his head in his hands. The armed police had arrived and were now surrounding the building trying to find the safest way to enter. I went over to Nathan and sat down beside him.

‘That should be me still in there.’ He said not looking up.

‘Why?’ I said. '

When you were in the shop, Jordan rang Jay. She had been followed into the toilet by one of Jack’s friends and she was trapped. Jay and Max were going to look for her but they got grabbed. If Jay hadn’t of spent time telling us about Jordan then he would’ve got upstairs and the men would have made me stay in there.’ He finished with a big sigh. ‘I hope they find here.’

‘Nathan, don’t think like that, you are out here, you can’t change that, so let’s just wait for some news yeah? But I didn’t know about Jordan, I hope she’s ok.’ I said.


‘Jay stop panicking, you’re going to have another asthma attack.’ I said trying to calm him down but I had obviously said the wrong thing.

‘Calm down? Calm down! It's not your girlfriend stuck in here somewhere on her own, your girlfriend is outside!’ His breathing was getting worse but I spotted something in his pocket.

‘Mate, your inhaler’s in your pocket, can you reach it?’ He tried, but he could not get his hand to his pocket. ‘Just keep taking deep breaths, remember you aren’t going to be able to help Jordan if you can’t breathe.’ I said trying to add a bit of light humour to the situation. Then Jack’s phone rang. He didn’t speak to the person but simply listened. When he had finished, he turned to address us all.

‘Before we bring Jordan down, I want to play a game of heads or tails. You guess which one, I flip the coin. If you guess right you can go out, if not...’ He pretended to shoot his gun.

‘Right, ladies first I think.’ He said turning to Amber.

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