Chapter 8

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We didn’t have to wait long for Kev to arrive at the hospital. Me, Abi, Siva, Chloe and Tom and Amber went back to the houses to get some clothes for everyone. Jordan and Nathan had to stay in hospital until just before we had to go to the airport. Kev dropped the 6 of us that went home at the airport, where we met Jay, Jordan, Nathan and Becky.

We were now sat on the plane ready to take off. I was sat next to Abi, her hand wrapped around mine and her head resting gently on my shoulder. I could hear Nathan and Becky talking in the row behind us.


My heart rate was quickening by the minute. I was really panicking about flying but I didn’t want to say anything, as Jayne had gone to a lot of trouble to organise the flight. I was holding Nathan’s hand but I must’ve been squeezing it too tight as he noticed something was wrong. ‘Baby relax, what’s up?’ he said to me.

‘Nothing, just me and flying don’t go together very well.’ I said trying to laugh it off.

‘I will look after you I promise’ said Nathan whispered in my ear, putting his arm round my shoulders and pulling me close. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest, his heart beat slowly calming me down.


‘Everyone ready?’ I said looking behind me at everyone. A chorus of ‘yes!’ came from behind and I sat back down. ‘We are going to make the most of these next few days’ I said to Amber. She smiled at me and grabbed my hand. ‘You know it’.



‘Jordan, wake up, we’ve landed.’ I said shaking her shoulder slightly. Her eyes slowly opened and she went very pale. ‘What’s up?’ I asked her slightly panicking.

‘Nothing, my head’s just hurting a bit’ she said closing her eyes. She went to stand up and started swaying. I quickly stood up and held her still. ‘Siva, Chloe, will you grab our bags please?’ I asked them.

As they grabbed our bags, I helped Jordan get off the plane. When we were out the door I pulled Jordan to the side. She was as white as a ghost but boiling hot and her eyes were sliding in and out of focus. ‘You can’t walk like this, let me carry you and we will get you sorted when we get to the hotel’ I said starting to scoop her up in my arms. She didn’t argue but just wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my chest. I made my way to the building to catch up with the others.

‘She really doesn’t look well mate’ said Nathan looking at Jordan. ‘I know, let’s just get to the hotel and I will sort her out.’ I said.

We got out suitcases and waited for a couple of taxis. I carefully lifted Jordan into a taxi and sat her on my lap, cuddled into my chest. As we made our way to the hotel she drifted off to sleep.

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