Chapter 7

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Maxs POV

Everyone was waiting for an explanation from us. I began to explain.

‘Well the thing is, me and Abi already knew each other. Before Amber introduced us.’ An identical look of shock came on everyone’s face. I carried on.

‘3 years ago, I was at a wedding, a cousin of mine and that was when I met Abi for the first time. She was friends with my cousin. We got talking and we really got on well. Abi was only 15 at the time and I was 19. We had a bit of a relationship for a few months but then Abi’s parents found out.’ I stopped and looked at Abi, to see her expression. She nodded at me to continue.

‘They weren’t best pleased with our relationship, they didn’t agree with the age gap. They asked for us to stop seeing each other. We did for a while but it wasn’t working so we started seeing each other again in secret. Abi’s brother saw us together one day and went mad at us. He told Abi’s parents and they were really angry. That’s why Abi and her family moved down here to London 3 years ago. I came down a year afterwards, when I got in the band. I thought Abi would’ve had a new boyfriend by the time I came to London and thought it would be best to not contact her. We have never bumped into each other around the city but obviously after last night we met again.’

‘And?’ said Jay smiling with his eyebrows raised.

‘And we have decided we are going to give it another go. My family can’t tell me what to do anymore, I’m 18 and if they don’t like the decision then that’s fine but they can’t change my mind.’ Abi said suddenly grabbing Max’s hand.

‘Aww, that’s so cute!’ Becky said squeezing Nathan’s arm.

Just then Tom came running in out of breath. ‘Jack’s been let out, they aren’t arresting him!’

‘WHAT’ shouted Amber. Everyone started shouting their angry protests.

‘I went for a walk and he was outside the police station with all his friends. He said we should all watch out, he hasn’t finished with us yet.’ Tom explained.

Just then Jay’s phone rang. He answered and everyone watched as he spoke to the person before putting the phone down. Everyone looked at him to see who was on the phone. ‘That was Jayne. She has got us all a cheap flight to Spain whilst they find us a safe house here. But we fly tonight, so she said wait for Kev to come and then some of us can go back and pack the bags.’ Everyone started talking about what they were going to take and what was going to happen about the new house.

Toms POV

I saw Amber stood in her corner away from the rest of the group so I walked over to her. ‘Hey, what’s up’ I said hugging her. ‘I’m scared Tom, what if he finds us?’ she said her eyes full of fear. ‘Trust me babe, I am not going to let anyone hurt you, you know that don’t you’ I said taking her face in my hands.

‘I love you Tom.’ She said running her hand through my hair.

‘I love you too.’ I whispered leaning in close.

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