The Merc's Sister - [Part 2]

Start from the beginning

"Oh, so this is a kidnapping now?" I asked. He tilted his head to the side.

"Something like that."

"This is what is going to happen, you're going to undo these cuffs and open the way, and move out of our lives or risk being moved," I threatened

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"This is what is going to happen, you're going to undo these cuffs and open the way, and move out of our lives or risk being moved," I threatened.

"You don't know who I am, do you baby?"

"Funny you're saying that to me," I challenged. We stared at each other for a while, he shifted in the front seat, wincing as he did so to the strain of looking back in the uncomfortable seat.

"Not comfortable enough? Is your ego weighing you down?" I asked. He coughed on air.

"You're something else aren't ya baby?" My jaw clenched and I looked outside. The longer I inspected our surroundings, the more the little voice in the back of my mind showed me images of my figure walking down the same pavement a few days prior. I was here before, I can get to the motel and find Wade and get the hell away from this attractive ass.

"Look, don't make this job difficult alright?" He asked. I groaned before pouncing at the front seat and punching his face. He growled, grabbing my wrist that I quickly snatched back. I quickly slid my cuffed hands around his neck and started pulling, hard. I could feel him resisting but let my grasp loosen on him as his muscles relaxed. As his unconscious figure lay in the front seat, I shuffled through his pockets looking for keys that I could not find. I released him before scanning the front of the car before my eyes rested on the sun visor. He can't be that cliché surely, I thought. I slapped it down before keys dropped down to his lap.

"Of course he is," I sighed, grabbing the keys then releasing myself. I opened the door and closed it quietly. Taking a deep breath before looking towards the familiar bagel shop, I sprinted toward a small alleyway that would hopefully lead to the motel and Wade, if he was still there.


Shit, where the fuck is he? I scolded myself, not seeing any activity around the motel. That is until I felt a hand covering my mouth. I tried screaming but the figure behind me turned me around. I slapped the hand away from him and engulfed him in a hug.

"Don't do that to me!" I snapped.

"I thought you got kidnapped," He sighed.

"I did, the guy's got a car, let's get out of here!" I explained. he nodded before we set off.


"Hurry up Wade!" I ordered as he pushed the now cuffed body in the boot.

"Look for a tracker on him whilst I look for one on the car," he explained. We took at least 20 minutes before we could set off.

"Why did we take him again?" I asked him as we passed the sign indicating we were out of the town now.

"Bargaining chip," He stated, sipping the drink that was in the car.

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