Chapter One

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"I'm sorry itachi.

I leave the you."




Warring eras

"Madara let's stop this. If the Uchiha and Senju unite we can stop this war and be at peace with each other! No more lives have to spared! Please take my hand we can end this..." hashirama thrust his hand in front of him for Madara to take, but Madara rudely slapped it away.

"Don't screw with me hashirama! Uchiha and Senju can't never have peace with each other! We are like oil and water. As long as one of us is alive we can never see eye to eye."

"Don't make do this Madara. It doesn't have to be this way. We don't have to use violence!"

"I have finally reached my limit with you hashirama!"

"I guess there is no choice....Madara!"



That fight had been one of the bloodiest ones of all. The uchiha came victorious on that battle. Only because tobirama got gravely injured by Izuna that hashirama had to call it quits in order to save his brother.

It had been heartbreaking. It doesn't brother him that much that his past friend doesn't want anything to do with him anymore. What it bothers him, is the fact that the faith and hope that one day the fight will cease to end will not happen. He doesn't want to admit it, but he's starting to lose hope. Madara was just so stubborn and full of hatred that he is not listening to him anymore. He just doesn't know what to do anymore.

Sighing, hashirama pulled the covers of his bed off of him to get up. There was a meeting with the Uzumaki in a couple of days. He needed to prepare for their arrival as well as some of the preparations they would need. Tobirama must be waiting for him.

He dressed like usual, with the typical Senju clothing before going out. Walking to the kitchen he found food on the table already prepared for him by the maids. But he wasn't hungry. Dreaming of what went of with Madara last night made him lose his appetite. Ignoring the food, he went to his office expecting to find tobirama already there.

"You finally wake up anija." Were the first words that greeted him as soon as he opened the door. Closing the door behind him softly, he prayed to rikudou sennin to give him patience today.

"Good morning to you too, tobirama."

Hashirama ignored the skeptical look he received from tobirama and moved to pick up the first thing that needed to be done today. Which was a letter from the Sarutobi clan asking for an alliance and what not. He had forgotten to reply to them and it's been a couple of weeks since then. They probably thought he was ignoring them or something. He needed to take care of that immediately.

"I have asked Toka to bring more paper and ink in order for us to work. I ran out of it yesterday and forgot to replenish some before I went to sleep." Tobirama told him watching him closely. "I have also ask her to bring us more paper to fill out today."

"Wonderful." Hashirama said drily before taking a seat on the chair. He didn't care about the ink or the papers-they can all light on fire for all he cares.

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