why me

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Luke pov
I'm sitting here waiting for the doctor to let me see my wife thwy have been roaming her now for over an hour with no word yet. I hope she is ok back there. As I am resting my head in my hands some one taps me on my shoulder. "Sir would you like to see your wife?" A nurse asks me. "Yes is she ok? "Mr. Bryan the doctor will talk to you once we get to the room." She tells me as we walk to Kimi's room.
   Once we walk inside she is hooked up to an iv and is sleeping. She looks so beautiful even if she has a black eye and a busted lip. She is a fighter with everything she went through. I pull a chair up next to her and grab her hand.
"Please stop don't touch me please. " she yells.  "Baby girl it's me Luke." I tell her trying to calm her.
"Luke where have you been? "She crys to me
"They wouldn't let me back to see you till the tests was done. So now we just have to wait for the doctor." I tell her sitting next to her in bed.
"Luke I'm so sorry I thought you wasn't coming for me and I stopped fighting." She tells me looming in my eyes.
"Baby girl don't think that ever I will always come for you, always be there for you, always love you ,and always be the one." I tell her kissing soft lips.
   About 20 minutes later the doctor comes in and before he can say anything Kimi asks, "Are my babies ok?" "Well hello you two and yes they are ok. You have a severe head concussion broken ribs your eye socket is fractured and you have some vaginal tears but that won't affect the babies. You will need to stay in the hospital for monitoring." he explains. I am feeling so much right now that my wife went through what she went through.
Kimi pov
It has been three days in this horrible place and I just want to go home to my bed. Luke has never left my side well except to go shower in the guest shower room. He has been amazing through this all and very understanding. I havent told him every thing that happened yet, I am scared he will run. He told the cops that once I am home they can come talk to me which is good because I don't want to talk to them right now. Luke just got back from his daily shower and he smells amazing as always.
"Hey baby girl miss me?" He asks kissing my head. ""No!" I joke with me.
"Oh really you didn't miss me at all? Or miss this?"He says kissing my neck, which causes me to freak out.
"Stop please stop!" I tell trying to push him away.
"Baby girl I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking." He says looking down at the ground.
"I'm sorry look it was a flash back." I tell him as tears run down my cheeks.
"Don't be sorry baby girl what you went through was horrible and I shouldn't have done that, not till you are ready." He tells me sitting on the bed holding my hands. I love this man!
"Hello Mrs. Bryan how you feeling today?"the doctor asks me as he walks in my room.
"I'm doing ok this man right here has helped me stay strong for the babies." I tell him with a huge smile on my face.
"Well today you get to go home, but I suggest talking to someone with what you went through. The nurse will be in within the hour with discharge papers." He tells us and leaves the room.

Luke pov
"Baby girl did you hear that? We can finally go home and the therapist thing only when you are ready and I'll find the best for you." I tell her kissing her. I'm so excited to get her home to heal where she can be more relaxed.
"Yes can you help me get dressed please." She asks me sitting up in bed.
"Why of course my lady." I tell her grabbing the bag of clothes. As we finish up the nurse comes in with the papers and we are on our way home.

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