On the road

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  Luke pov

So we have been on the road now for like two hours. Kimi  feels ok so far because the band is on the other bus tonight to help her adjust to being on the road. My band is amazing that's why i keep them around. Its about one in the morning and I can't sleep. I get up and head to the bathroom because I let Kimi have the bed tonight I don't want to rush her. I walk back to the bathroom and I hear her crying.                                                                                                                                                             I walk in and sit next to her and say, "Baby girl you ok?" "No I'm not ok...I I I just I don't get this." she says crying. "What don't you get baby girl?" I ask her rubbing her back. "How can someone like you want anything to do with simple old me I can't give you anything in what ever this is we have but cry a lot." She says pulling the blanket up over her. " Well  baby girl roll over and look at me for a minute please." I ask her.  "Luke I'm sorry its just my past keeps affecting my future and its just hard to believe that anyone would want to be with me after what I have been through. You wouldn't understand," she trys to tell me. Well I want to know about her so I have to get her to calm down and tell me,  nothing she says will make me not want to be with her. "Baby girl I'm not going anywhere I'm not like everyone else. Will you give me a chance and tell me please."        "Luke I'm scared that if I tell you what happened to me you will want me to go back home." she says looking at me for a quick second. "Baby girl I promise I am not as ass like other guys , my momma raised me right." I tell her getting her to sit up next to me.  " Ok can I look away from you so its easier to tell you?  I don't want to see you face when I tell you." she asks me looking away. "If that makes you more comfortable baby girl." " Ok growing up my parents didn't care about me or really take care of me for that matter. " I can see her reflection as she is saying this and I can tell this is hard for her. " Well when I was 15 my mom had this new boyfriend and he seemed nice at first. But But But then when my mom wasn't around he would come into my room and try to touch me. I wouldn't let me at first but then he would hold me down. Luke he raped me." I want to kill this man for touching my baby girl. She crys harder now and I pull her onto my lap. "Baby girl what happened to  the guy?" I ask her. " My mom married him and moved away with him." She says crying into my shoulder. "Why didn't you tell her or the cops?" I ask her gently. "Luke they didn't believe me. So I ran away an been on my own ever since." She says looking at me with them beautiful blue eyes.

Kimi pov

"Luke I haven't been able to let any guy touch me since then. It has been years since I have let anyone get close to me. Then you come along." I tell him and he smiles. " Well Kimi I will always be here this does not change how I feel about you." Luke says to me pulling me close to his warm chest. This man makes me melt everytime he is close to me. I look over to the clock it is 2 am. wow now I'm not even tired but he looks like he is. "Luke will you stay in here tonight with me you make me feel safe." I ask hoping he will say yes. " yes baby girl are you tired?" He asked me. "Not really can we just lay here together. Please just hold me close." I ask him looking up at his beautiful eyes that make melt. This man has changed my life in two days. He pulls me so close where that there is no room in between us.  I roll  over so I can face him and  we just look into each other eyes wanting more. I can't take it no more and I kiss him. Luke put his hands on either side of my face and kisses me more.

Luke pov

This women is amazing and her lips make me melt. "Darlin I don't want you to do anything if you are not ready for this." I say giving her small kisses. "just shut up and kiss me Luke." she says rolling on top of me. So I give her what she wants. I kiss her and run my tongue on her lips wanting to enter her mouth. She lets me and this as me worked up. Her hands run down my chest and it sends chills all over my body. Kimi is amazing and it feels so good. She runs her hands up my shirt so her hands are resting on my chest, so I take my shirt off so its easier for her. Just when I thought that was it she takes her top off and she is wearing a super sexy camo bra. I run my fingers down her sides and she shakes  a little. "Baby girl are you ok?" I ask kissing her again. "Yes please I want this." she says running her finger above my sleep pants. 

Kimi pov

This is what I want I'm just nervous because I have never really done this with a guy willingly. I hope he is gentle with me. I want this with Luke because I am falling for him and want my first with him. "Luke I have never done this before." I say running my fingers into her sleep pants. "Baby girl you are doing amazing. Just do what you want I'll be gentle." he says kissing me more passionately. So I stand up and remove my  pj pants so that I am in just my matching camo bra and panties. He is just smiling ear to ear. "Well Luke you have more close on then I do that is a problem." I say trying to be sexy about it. "Well lay down baby I can fix that." He say standing up next to the bed. He removes his pants and he is already bulging. Damn he looks big, can I do this? Will it hurt? He crawls back into bed so he's hovering over me. He starts to kiss m neck and oh does it feel good. He continues to kiss down my chest as he reaches around and unhooks my bra to take it off. Luke puts one of my breasts in his mouth and sucks on it making me moan. He moans a little as he moves over to m other one. As one hand is holding the boob he is sucking on his other hand runs don my stomach and eases into my panties and just rubs a round. SO I help him by taking them off for him. He looks up at me smiling as he kisses down m stomach I arch me back and moan his name. "Luke.. Please" I beg needing more. He goes down farther to where he more my legs apart kissing my thighs.  Just then place a finger in my hot spot and starts to lick me making my loose it. I have never felt this before. I grab his hair and pull him closer to me wanting to keep feeling this. 

Luke pov

Oh my god her body is amazing I am so glad she trust me to really be her first. I continue my assault with my mouth because she tastes amazing ."Luke!" she moans my name. I cant take this any more so I kiss back up her stomach and her chest making it back to her mouth. "Baby girl you are amazing I think I'm falling for you." I say to her not realizing I just said that out load to her. I Kiss her placing my leg between her legs so I can position myself at her entrance. I look at her making sure that this is what she wants and she just pulls me close and kisses me more. I slowly enter and I go as slow as possible since it is really her first time. Oh my god she feels so amazing. "baby girl you feel amazing." I tell her kissing her. "Luke so do you please I need you to move." she tells me bucking up on me. So I go a little faster thrusting and littler deeper. I am so close I can feel it and I can tell she is close as well. "Baby girl I'm lose." I say moaning in her ear. "Oh my god right there Luke harder please I need it." she says shacking with every trust. Just then we both reach our climax and I collapse on her. "Baby girl I love you." Oh shit did I say it again, but hey I think I do. "Luke I am falling in love with you to." she says giving me a kiss.  "Shit, shit shit." she  says getting up and going to the bathroom. I get up and follow her. "Luke we made a mistake." she says to me. "Baby girl I don't regret it how is it a mistake." I say to her. "Luke we didn't use protection." She says and I realize. "Baby girl I am so sorry." I tell her putting my head down. "Luke look at me please," i look up as she talks to me. "Luke you have to promise me you will not leave me." She says to me and I stand us both up. "Baby girl I don't plan on it." I tell her kissing her and she drags me back to bed. "Well lets get some sleep I'm tired some guy kept me up late." She says pulling me close. Before I knew it we was both out.

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