studio time

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Luke pov
   This past week has been busy. I have been in the studio recording some new songs for the new cd. I want to do my beat to get out early today since past few night I have gotten home late and Kimi was already in bed.
     It's about 5 o'clock and Carter tells me my phone been going off for the past 20 minutes or so. I look at it and I have a few calls from Kimi and then 2 from an unknown number. I listen to the voice mails the ones from Kimi just asking what time I was going to be home because she wants to wait up and eat dinner with me. The last call from her I drop the phone.
"Hey man what's up?" Carter asks me.
"Kimi Kimi she she...someone has her. " I stutter out.
"What do you mean man?" He asks as I replay the voice mail.
"Hey Luke baby I got dinner made all I have to do is start the over when you on your way I miss you so much. *glass breaking* oh my gosh what was that? Luke someone is in the house I got to call 911 I love you so much baby boy. Please no stop leave me alone.*Kimi yelling*" call drops.
I listen to the next call it's from the unknown caller,"well hello Luke we meet again. I have your beautiful girl with me like I wanted all along. If only you let me have her the night by the lake we wouldn't be here if you want to see her and I am taking it your babythen come find me. If you call the police she gets hurt. I'll send a text every 30 minutes on clues." The guy says making me sick to my stomach it's the guy that attacked her. She has to be scared to death.

Kimi pov
""Where am I? Who are you?" I keep asking question but they don't answer me. Where is Luke I called him so many time? He heard what happened he has to know by now.
"Well, well, well she's awake." I hear a guy say behind the bright lights.
"Who are you? What do you want?" I ask.
''Well you know me i slammed you against your car." He says and I start to hyperventilate. He attacked me before but he also sound familiar as well. He comes close but has a mask on. I start to feel his hands on my face and neck which makes me sick to my stomach only Luke can touch me like this.

Luke pov
I rush home to wait for my text message from who ever has my wife, I pray she is ok. As I grab a bottle of whisky for a quick drink my phone goes off so I rush to grab it. The text reads, **So you want you girl well first clue is I'm close but not close.** attached is a picture of Kimi strapped to a bed. Oh my god my baby girl she is crying. Please don't hurt her please. I'm trying to think what the message means. I keep looking at the picture to check the back ground out and nothing is  clicking. For 20 minutes I am looking at my baby praying she ok. Just when I go to sit my phone down another messgae.** I see you haven't left your house. Makes me think you don't want her back. Maybe you had your share and will move on. I hope that's the case. Well your next clue is that we are about 2 miles aways.** attached is another picture of Kimi this time she is only in her bar and panties. When I see that I literally throw up on the floor.

Kimi pov.

"Please stop it hurts."I yell at him as he rips my clothes off and smacks me.
"Oh why not you know you like it. I have heard so many stories how you like it rough." He says grabbing my hair.qhen he does that I have a clue who it is and I throw up. "Please don't do this please." I beg him not to do it.
"Oh bit I will because I never got a chance before with you I was only aloud to watch." He tells me I can't see what he is doing now because he put a blindfold on. This is the guy that always helped my step dad out when he would do them things to me. I pray Luke finds me soon because who knows why he is capable of doing. I hope Luke is trying to find me, but what if he isn't looking? What if he doesn't know I'm gone yet? So many thoughts going through my head, which makes it hurt so much more. Before I could say another thing to this man I get smacked so hard across the face kicking me out.

Luke pov

Please let my wife and babies be ok. I'll do anything to get them back. I keep saying as I am driving in. A 2 mile radius of the house trying to see any where she might be. Then my phone goes off so I pull over.
**So you do love her I see you out looking for her. Your woman tastes so good. I miss watching her scream for Mike to stop. It was such a turn on maybe I can get are so close. ** attached is a picture ahe looks passed out with him between her legs. When I find this guy I'm going to kill him for touching my wife where I'm only aloud to touch her. What's worse is he is doing it when she isn't awake which makes me sick. So I'm close I look any where that has lights on to look first. 2 places I have looked with no sign.

Kimi pov
He slaps my face to wake me up and I don't have any clothes on now.
"Please stop my husband is going to find me."I scream trying to get him off me as he touches me down there.
"So you got married? This makes it more interesting now. I can have more fun to drive him crazy. Let's see I can do this." He says laughing and he rams his fingers in me making me cry. I just want it to all stop. "Please stop please" I cry begging him.

Luke's pov

I need to find her as soon as possible. Then my phone pings.**So she is your wife? This is going to be fun. You passed us up maybe you need to listen close.** attached is a video. It's of him violating my wife and she is crying and begging him to stop. So I go back to the houses I passed and listen close just then I hear her scream at the tip of her lungs. I go to open the door and it's open. I follow her screams to find the room she in. He is on tip of her almost naked. I run in grab him yanking him to the ground. I don't stop I keep punching him and kicking him till he stops moving.
"Baby,girl I'm here baby I'm here" I tell her kissing her and covering her up.
"Luke I'm so sorry." She crys into my shoulder.
"Don't be sorry you didn't do anything wrong. Let's get you out of here." As I uncuff her I cuff this dirt bag up and call the cops. I get Kimi in the truck after putting some close on her so I can take her to the hospital to get her looked at.

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