the lake

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   There are about 3 parties going on around the lake. One looks like a birthday part another a graduation party and maybe a reception but they on the other aide of the lake. In just glad they are over there and not by me. I lay a blanket out on th hill by the lake so I can just lay back and relax. I put my music and and just lay looking at the sky.

   I must of dosed off a little because I heard someone yell across the lake that made me jump. I sit up and look around and see a guy walking towards me all dressed in black. I'm a little scared so I grab my phone and leave every thing else I start walking towards the parking lot. I glance over my shoulder and he still following me. So I pick up my pace and start to run to the car. Just as I reach my car the man grabs me and covers my mouth. I'm trying to scream but I can't get it out. He smacks me and tells me to shut up or he'll hurt me. Please someone help me is going through my mind.
    He starts grabbing me all over and just then a guy pulls him off my and starts hitting him I try to open the door but he hurt my arm. The guy that hurt me gumets up and runs away as I am laying on the ground crying. The guy who beat the crap out of the other guy bends down and trya to help me up. But I pull back from him I still haven't seen his face yet.
"Darlin it a ok I'm not going to hurt you." He says and I freaked out some. That voice I know it, it's Luke Bryan.
"Thanks Luke for your help."I say to him trying to get up on my own.
"Let me help you up it looks like your bleeding." Luke says taking something out of his pocket to wipe my mouth off. Just then he is looking into my eyes and I feel like I'm going to pass out.
"Luke I don't feel so good."I say and I fall into him.
"Its ok darlin I got ya."he says picking me up bridal style and carries me to his truck.
"My car is back there." I tell him.
"I'm taking you to the hospital to get looked at. Don't worry I'll stay with you and give you a lift home." Luke says.
"Luke you don't have to ,I'll call my friend to come get me." I say as he puts me  in his truck.
"Darlin no I want to know if you are ok . I can't leave a beautiful girl alone." He says getting in the truck.

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