this is my life

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Luke pov
  I woke up to my phone ringing like crazy. I get up and see who it is not wanting to know really. I glance over and Kimi is still sleeping. I grab my phone and step out of the room so I don't wake her up. I see I have 3 calls from Kerri and 2 from Carter but the ones in not happy with is Caroline. I don't see how she got my new number. I call Kerri back she was asking what happened at the bonfire so I told her everything. She wasn't happy that I didn't tell her first but she is happy that I am happy. I call Carter next and tell him what's up. Instead of calling Caroline I told Kerri to take care of it for me I don't want to talk to her. This is my life!

  I head back in and wake Kimi up so we can go to her doctors appointment. I can't wait to see my babies. "Baby girl time to get up we have an hour till your appointment." I tell her kissing her forhead. "Do I have to get up?" She whines and it's so damn cute. "Yes come on." I tell her pulling the covers down and her ass is hanging out from under my shirt  making me hard. Geeze I can't. Control myself with her so I run my fingers up her legs and I hear her moan a little. So I stop to see what she does and she squirms a little bit moving her legs apart a little more. So I get closer and run my tongue up her inner thigh and she lets out another moan. I flip her over gentle so I have better access. I use my finger to get her started and she is so wet. "Darlin you are so wet already and I haven't even tougmched you." I tell her sticking a finger in her wet warm center. "Don't stop!" She moans out.  As she says that I can't take it any more I slide my boxers off and take my tongue and start licking her center and she tastes so good and sweet. I run it up and down her folds in and out and she grabs my hair to get me closer and deeper inside. I take a hand and slowly wrap it around my already hard dick. "Don't touch your self flip around here." She says and I don't  waste time and flip around. She grabs a hold and strokes my hard member a few times. Then with out warnkkng she wraps her mouth around him and starts sucking and I'm in heaven. The fast she sucks me the harder and deeper I lick her. I feel myself at the back of her throat and if she keeps that up in going to explode, so I stop. "Baby girl stop I want in you now." I say pulling out. I flip around and place myself at her entrance. I slowly enter her taking my time with her. "Luke please harder deeper faster I need you." She says grabbing my chest. So her wish is my command, as I pick the pace up I give her what, she wants. She feels amazing and she fits perfect with my body. 'Baby I'm close." I tell her and she says the same thing. We both climaxed at the same time again which feels amazing.

Kimi pov
   Luke knows just what to do every time. I love him so much for it but now I have to hurry and get ready for my appointment. "Luke that was amazing as always thanks." I tell him sitting up and kissing him. "Don't thank me baby girl that's what husbands do for their wives." He says helping me get out of bed since I'm huge for 4 and a half months.
  On the way to the doctor I feel the babies moving around and I grab Luke's hand so he can feel. "Baby girl that's amazing I can't wait to hold them." Luke says smiling.  When we arrive at the doctors it's empty so I'm happy about that. Today I am seeing a new doctor that I have never seen and I'm a little nervous.
"Omg your Luke Bryan!" A nurse yells running up to him causing me to shake. "Please calm down my wife of pregnant and I don't want her to get bumped." Luke tell her and she takes a step back. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you was married again." She says asking for a quick picture.  We are taken back to our room where we wait for the doctor to come in.
After the appointment was over we head home to relax. They said the babies look amazing and healthy and I look ok as well so that a plus, by my next appointment we should be able to see what we are having.

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