what a day

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     Today is just like any other normal day. I have to feed the dog and get ready for work. It's not a hard job just boring. I just want the day to be over with so I can come home and watch Luke on the laptop. He is my all time favorite singer
  As I am pulling into work Luke comes on the radio. I sit in the car till the song goes off.
"Another Luke song?"Lauren asks.
"Of course who eles." I say laughing.
Lauren has been my friend for ever,I don't know what I'd do with out her.
"Did you know Luke Bryan is coming to town soon?" She asks me
"Yes but I can't afford tickets to the concert."I tell her sad. I have had bills pile up because I was sick and I'm still trying to catch up.
"The radio station is having a contest to try to win tickets." She tells me.
I ignore her and go back to work.
On my lunch break I go down to BW3 and get my boneless bbq wings. I want this day to be over with. 5 o'clock rolls around and I grab my stuff. "Bye Lauren I'm leaving I'll call you later."I say walking out the door.
      As I walk in the house I put my ketlys and purse on the table by the door and go sit on the couch. I have a boring life sitting here on a Friday night and nothing to do. I wish my life  had more in it. Ok that's it I'm heading down to the lake. I go change into something more country and casual.
     On the drive to the lake I hear on the radio that Luke Bryan will be coming into town soon for a photo shoot and concert. I'd die if I met him but what are the odds of a girl like me meeting the one and only Luke Bryan.   I am about 20 minutes away so I stop and grab me some snack and drink so I can sit and relax. I grab some sweet tea,twizzlers and Reese cups. I pull in to the lot and find me a spot to park. Hope I can relax...

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