how am I going to do this

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Luke pov
  So since Kimi is still sleeping I send a group text to Lauren, Kane, Jason,Brantley and Tyler.
Group text
L=Luke La=Lauren k=Kane J=Jason B=Brantley T=Tyler
L=guys I need your help going to propose to Kimi and I want you all to be part of it.
La=for real?
K= Hell ya  man
B=I'm down
J=Whatch need man?
T=sign me up
L=can you all meet me at the grand ole opry in 3 days?
They all agree which is a relief. I can't wait to do this because I'm so excited.

Kimi pov
  I roll over to a cold bed where is he at now. He been getting up alot more. I wonder what he keeps getting up for  so I go to find him. As I am walking to the door I get a little dizzy so I hold on to the handle for a we ing before opening and walking out. As I open the door I see his back turned towards me on his phone again and everytime he's on it my mind runs off. As I walk closer I see he been texting Kane. I'm getting dizzy again and just as I am about to fall Luke turns around.
"Geeze baby girl you ok?" He says catching me before I fall.
"I wanted to see where you went again." I  say wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Sorry baby girl I was making a few calls about the next few songs and then I was chatting with Kane." He explains to me laying me back in the bed. He tells me to stay put he was going to get my meds and some food. He gone all but 5 minutes and I already missed him.
   "Here baby girl take these."He says handing me them. Every time Luke gives them to me he wants to cry because he is still blaming him self.
"Luke stop right now I know what you are thinking." I tell him grabbing and taking my pills.
"Baby girl you wouldn't be here like this if it wasn't for me wanting to make love in the shower."he says taking the glass of water back. As he places it on the table I grab his hands and pull him close.
"So how long till we make to where we got to go hun?" I ask him leaning in for a kiss.
"We still got about a day or so give or take."He says wrapping a blanket around us. I must if dozed off because when I woke up it was 4 in the after noon. "Luke."I yell and in no time he comes running in.
"Are you ok?"He says sitting next to me.
"Well I have to pre and why did you let me sleep so long for?" I ask sitting up.
As he helps me to the bathroom he tells me, "Well you need your rest baby girl." He does have a point they said the more rest I get this week next week I can start getting up more on my own. As I finish in the bathroom I tell look I want to have a real bubble bath in a really bathtub. He tell me I will fall in love with the tub in our room. I can't wait to sleep in a normal bed again too. I mean I love being anywhere with him but sometimes you miss the little things.
    To pass sometime till we make it to where we need to go we watch some movies and make out like two high school kids. Luke don't want to rush into anything more till I get the ok from my doctor. He is the sweetest man I have ever met. I'm still at a lost of words when I'm with him.
"Luke when we get back to your house.."I start to say but he cuts me off and says,
"Our house baby not just mine it's ours now."
"Ok when we get to our house I need to find a part time job to help out with things." I say to him as we are cuddled up on the couch.
"No way in hell.  You will not get a job while you are with me. It's my responsibility to take care of you and this baby in here." He says to me rubbing my belly.
"But Luke I can't just sit around all the time plus I'll need to buy me bigger clothes and all."I say giving him the look.
"Nope now end of discussion. You are with me now so I get to do the manly thing and take care of you and out baby." He says still rubbing my belly.
I will not let up I don't want to sit at home bored all the time. I want to do something with my time.

---- luke pov
As we are pulling into the stadium where the show is tonight I wake Kimi up. As she wakes up she has to hurry to the bathroom. This morning sickness is getting to her. As I hold her hair out of the way I rub her back. When she is finished I help her get a much need hot shower. I am washing her hair for her and I love doing this for her.
  When we get out of the shower I help her pick an outfit out and boy she is going to turn some heads tonight. She is wearing my favorite blue sundress, Jean jacket and her cowboy boots.
"Hey baby Mike is coming to keep you company I heading to do this quick interview and I'll be back in 25 minutes." I tell her kissing her and heading out.

Kimi pov
"Hey Mike I'm just going to lay down for a few ok?" I tell him and head to the bedroom. As I get in the room I message Lauren and see how she is doing. She tells me the her and Kane are having an amazing time and she hopes to see me soon. I am so happy for her because she needs this in her life.

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