so bored

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So I have been on bed rest now for a week and im tired of it.  Luke has been busy in the studio trying to get the new song done before he has to go do a few interviews next week. Lauren comes next week to see me so I am getting excited. Plus I have to go back to the doctor the end of the week to see how things are going so much do do and I can't do it. I grab my phone and send Luke a text..
Hey Luke can you get me some sweet tea and Reece cups please! 20 minutes later he texts back....
Sorry baby girl got busy I'll grab some be leaving here in 10 minutes I love you!   He is amazing I can't wait till he  home because I missed him so much today. I didn't even see him before he left this morning.  I  layed back down till he gets home.
Luke pov
On my way home I stop and get Kimi some sweet tea and snacks. I also get her some flowers because I know she has been feeling down lately. I hope with lauren coming to stay for awhile helps get her out of this funk of hers. I am pulling into the drive way and there is two cars in the driveway neither I know. Then I see Lauren she is here early. She is yelling at some guy on the porch. I am hoping that Kimi don't hear anything this she don't need the stress.
"Lauren is this guy bothering you?" I ask walking up to her on the porch.
"He's looking for your wife. This is Mike, he's he's" she is stuttering which has me more worried.
"What she is trying to say is I'm Mike,Kimi step dad." He says and when he says that I get chills.
"What the he'll are you doing here? You need to leave before I call the police." I yell as I ball up my fists. 
"I came to see my gold digging whore of a step daughter." He says to me. I take a step close to him and grab a shirt, "you will not disrespect my wife do you understand me? Now I will give you 10 seconds to get off my property before I beat your ass and cause you pain like you,did her." I yell in his face. "So I guess she got you into bed and got you hooked. She was a good lay." He says laughing and walking away. I just loose it and run after him and just before I swing I stop myself because that piece of shit is not worth the time. He gets in his car and leaves with a trail of dust to follow.
"Lauren how long has he been here and you?" I ask her hoping it hasn't been long.
"When I got here he was banging on the door yelling for Kimi."she says still with tears in her eyes. So I run to unlock the door and run upstairs to see Kimi has locked her self in the bathroom and I can hear her crying.
"Baby girl it's me open up."I say knocking on the door. As soon as I hear the click I open the door seeing her sitting on the floor crying.
"Baby girl it's ok he's gone." I say pulling her in my arms.
"Luke how did he find me? He's never going to let me go." She sobs into my shoulder. "Baby he won't touch you I promise I'll have Kerri help get a restraining order for us both and I'll have security around when ever we leave the house." I tell her calming her down some more.

Kimi pov
I can't believe the man who caused me so much hell is back, what does he  want now? "Luke I'm so tired can I go take a nap?" I ask Luke looking up at him. "You don't have to ask me baby girl, bit before you do I have a surprise." He says making me look at him weird. Just then I see something out of the corner of my eye and I scream, "oh my gosh Lauren."
"Yup it's me the one and only." She says laughing, "I'm here to cheer you up Luke has told me you haven't been the same." As she says that I look over at Luke with thermally glare. "Sorry baby girl I have been worried and who eles to cheer you up then your best friend." He says kissing my forehead. "Ok well I hate to cut this short you two but I feel my body telling me something so I'm going to lay down." I tell them and Lauren leaves the room as Luke stays by me.
"Kimi babe are you ok do I need to get the nurse to come check you ok?" He asks me as he covered me up. " I think I am fine bit it won't hurt." I say to him.
   Within 20 minutes the nurse is hear checking me out ahe says I'm just dehydrated and my pressure is up some so fluids and rest are in store for the rest of the day.  When I get up from my nap I hear Luke and Lauren laughing down the hall so I get up and go see what's up with them.
"Hi baby your up." Luke greets me with a kiss, and how much I miss his lips on mine. "Yeah hungry now," I laugh.
"Well hey I'm heading out for a few to shop." Lauren says giving me a  hug.
"Luke I miss you so much." I tell Luke wrapping my arms around him.
"Baby girl I'm right here." He says kissing the top of my head. "No Luke I mean I really miss you." I tell him running my hands down the front of him. My hormones are starting up.
"Well darlin let's go see what we can do." He begins to say carrying me down to our room.

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