today's the day

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Luke's pov
So today I meet up with everyone to give them their jobs in tonight's big reveal as you would say. Oh my gosh I hope she likes this. I'm so nervous even though she already said yes. Kimi is still in bed so I go in and make her some breakfast and juice. Tomorrow night we will be back home and we can all relax for a while. I hope she falls in love with the house like I did.

Laurens pov
"Kane I'm going to get a quick show before we head to the airport. Want to join?" I ask and before I can reach the bathroom he picks me up and runs to the bathroom. "Don't have to ask me twice." He says. I'm so happy Luke and Kimi introduced us.  Kane and I just had incredible  sex and now on our way to the airport.

  Luke pov
   "Kimi baby girl I have to go to the stadium really quick be back with in the hour ok." I say kissing her.
"That fine babe I am going to finish reading this book."She says kissing me back. I alrewady got the calls everyone is waiting at the meeting place.
  I'm pulling in and I see everyone standing inside. I hope they ready for this.
"Hey everyone." I say and everyone say hi.
"Ok so as I said in purposing and I'm doing a scavenger hunt. Each of you have a location and I'll give you a gift and a card with her next hint. Lauren you are the first stop so you can go with her the rest of the way." I explain and everyone is listening. I hand out the cards and gift to everyone and we all leave. They all know their location and when to get there. Now I just need to head back to the bus so she can get ready to start this. On the drive back I stop and get her some Reese cups and a sweet tea.
"Hey baby I'm back." I say getting on the bus.
"Luke my jeans  are tight.  I have nothing cute to wear to the show." She says looking at herself in the mirror.
So glad this is working out great in my favor.
"Ok let run down the street there was a cute dress shop let go see what they have." I say and she agrees throwing on a pair of leggings and her flip flops.  As we are pulling up I see Lauren inside.
"Luke is that Lauren? It can't be though." Kimi says walking hand in hand.
"Hey girl hey." Lauren says.
"Oh my god what are you doing her?" Kimi asks hugging her. Then Lauren grabs the bag and hands it to Kimi.
"Well girl this is for you."
As Kimi sits down and opens it ahe is starting to cry.
"Read it." Lauren says.
"To the love of my life. Today I want to make you feel special. This is a dress and shoes I think you would look amazing in tonight. Now for some fun you will go on a scavenger  hunt and at the end is your prize.  I love you Kimi so much." She reads in tears. She runs to me and hugs me.
"So baby girl I'm leaving you with this and I'll see you in a few." I say handing her the next clue. I miss her and walk out to head to the stadium to make sure everything is set.

Kimi pov
This man is just wow I am at a loss for words.
"Lauren did you know about this?" I ask her.
"Yes and this is one amazing man. So what's the card say." She asks looking at me with a huge smile.
"Well it looks like we need to drive two miles north till I see a sign." I read out loud. "But what kinda sign it don't say." I add.
"Well let's drive and we'll see if we can find anything." Lauren says grabbing her purse and my bag. We get in her car and start driving. As we get close I see Brantley Gilbert standing on the sidewalk outside of a nail salon waving at us.
"Well I guess that is my sign, don't you think?" I say as we pull into a parking spot.
"Hello you must me Kimi." Brantley says shaking my hand.
"Yes and I guess you are my sign." I tell him.
"Yes I am and this is for you." He says handing me a bag giving me a hug and walks away.
"What's it say girl?" Lauren is asking me like a kid at a birthday party.
"Kimi you have made it to the second stop. I love you to the moon and back and want you to get your nails done and get pampered. Everything is already covered enjoy yourself and when you are done ask for Nick." I say reading the card and pulling out a beautiful necklace. So we go in and we both get our nails done. About an hour layer I walk up to the desk.
"Hello I was told to ask for Nick when I was done." I ask the lady.
"Here you go beautiful lady enjoy." He hands me a card and we walk outside to the card. As I open it I see it's my next clue.
"It says we need to go to a place where country singers as ask to perform and it's an honor." I read out loud again. I have no clue what this is.
"Lauren I have no clue." I say looking at her.
"This is  Nashville so let's think about it." She says and then it clicks and I yell, "the Grand Ole Opry." So we get in and plug the address in to the GPS since I have no clue where it is. Fifthteen minutes and we pull up and I see a sign on the door tell me to head in side. So we head in and I see Jason Aldean standing there with a bag.
"Well Kimi this is for you and if you would follow me this way." He says and we go inside.
"If you would open your bag and we'll get started." He lets me know.
"Hello my beautiful Kimi. As you have reached your next stop I hope you enjoy getting your hair and make up done as Jason songs you a few songs. I love you so much. Also this is a bracket I found and just had to get you." I'm say crying again. The bracket is gorgeous, it is a charm bracket with a microphone, heart, bus, and a ring. We get seated and these ladies cone out and get started. Jason sang  laught until we cried, Burnin it down, when she says baby, and don't you wanna stay. As we finish up Jason hands me a card and we head out to the car again. This man is so sweet every thing he is doing for me.
"So spill what's the next one say?" She says laughing.
"Not to far from hear is a place where you can eat and play games. Meet your next clue there. I love you." I read to Lauren.
"Lets pull up Google for some help." I say. As we are looking at place only thikng I can see on a map is Dave and Busters. "So let's try that if not we'll look somewhere else." I say getting into the passenger seat.
As we pull in a see Tyler from Florida Georgia Line standing there with a bag.
"So it's the right place Kimi. " Lauren says parking the car.
"Well looks like you found me well here is your bag and I hope you enjoy your day and I'll see you ladies later." He hands me the bag gives me a hug and leaves. I pull stuff out of the bag and it's a phone and camera with a card. "So after a busy day head on side for a quick bit to eat I don't need you sick since well you know why. I love you and I'll see  you soon." We head in side and they already have a table ready.  We eat some yummy ffod,I jade bbq boneless wings and so did Lauren. The waitress comes over hands me a card as we are leaving and tells me to enjoy the rest of the day.
"So happy you enjoyed your meal now head back to where your day started and get ready. At 630 your next clue will arrive." I read.
That one is easy so we head back to the bus. When we get there I see roses  and Reeses sitting on the table. We touch up our make up and I get the dress and the shoes Luke picked out on.
"Girl you look beautiful. Luke is going to be at a loss for words when he sees you." Lauren says  as I take my new phone out to take a picture. I send Luke a red teen thoiugh I know he busy to tell him I love you. But to my surprise he texted back and says love you too and to look outside. I lost track of time and look outside since it was 630 already. Luke goes on stage in a half hour. As I look outside I see Kane standikng next to a limo. Lauren and I grab our purses and head out side. She runs right to him and gives him a quick kiss.
"Well Miss Kimi this is your last card and bag. So let's get in driver already bows where to go." He says opening the door. As I open the bag it's a photo album of all the pictures we have taken since we have been together. There is even pictures from me in the hospital. I am crying again because I feel so loved.  When the limo stoped the driver opens the door handing me a card.
"So baby you are here now and all I want you to do is follow the men with roses. I'll see you soon." I read and a man is standing there with a single red rose. So as I walk to find the next man with a rose I am thinking that I am going to miss Luke open up because he goes on in 1t minutes so I try to hurry.  Finally after 18 men I am on the side of the stage. When I look up I see Luke holding a dozen red roses out on stage. He waves me to come out.
"Kimi come on out here and join us." Luke says as I walk on out.
"So I have none you for a few months now and we'll the other night I asked you to marry me and yoiu said well duh. But it's not the way I wanted to ask you. So today I sent you on a scavenger hunt that lead you hear. So I'm asking you here on bended knee if you will make me the happiest man on the planet and marry be become Mrs Luke Bryan? " he says making me tear up more. I hear the crowdcheer and all I can do is stick my hand out to him and shake my head yes. He places the ring on my hand then picks me up and spins me in circles kissing me. As I walk back off stage  I see everyone from today and the all were recording this. I love these guys.

*****So there it is the big proposal and ring******

*****So there it is the big proposal and ring******

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