Home at last

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Luke pov

So today we get to go home since last night was the last night of the tour which it exciting because now I can spend more time with Kimi. She is sleeping in the truck as I drive to the house she didn't even want to wake up to get in the truck so I had to carry her to the truck last night. We have been driving now for about three hours now and we are almost there. As I pull into the driveway I see a car I know oh to well. Why out of all days does she have to do this today.

"What do you want Carol?" I say getting out of the truck.

"Why is she here with you?" She says getting up off the porch swing.

"I don't have to explain anything to you anymore you are my ex wife. Now will you please leave so I can get my fiancee in the house to get some rest." I say walking to Kimi's side of the truck.

"No I won't because we need to talk." she says.

"About what now we are over." I say getting pissed off.

"The fact that you gave up so quick and wouldn't fight to keep me. Second is I might be pregnant." she says looking at me.

"It sure the hell aint mine." I say even more pissed.

"yeah Luke I'm 3 months along." she says and that just proved it.

"Caroline it's not mine if you are 3 months because we been split for over 6 months. So get the hell away from here before I call the police." I yell waking Kimi up. "Just great now you made me wake her up.

"What the fuck is she doing here Luke at our house?" Kimi asks me grabbing m hand to pull me close.

"I was just leaving home wrecker." she says to Kimi.

"Excuse me tramp. But if I am not mistaking you was the one that broke his heart by cheating on him more then once. Now if you don't mind I would like to take my soon to be husband in our house and fuck him like you could never do." I say flashing my ring as I place it on Luke's chest.

"Ha that's so funny because you will never be able to make him get off like I did little girl you can't handle him like I can trust me he said I was the best and no more could top me. So dream on he'll come running to me when you cant please him." Carol says throwing  me into a fit of anger.

"Shut up now. You will not speak to her like that because I wouldn't come back to you if you was the last woman on earth. Plus Kimi here knows how to make me get off so much better then you ever did. Plus You couldn't get me off I had to think of someone else just to finish." I say and she storms to her car and slams her door speeding away.

I grab Kimi picking her up bridal style and carry her into our house straight to the bedroom.

Kimi pov

If I didn't know any better I think Luke is pretty upset right now but I'm not sure.

"Luke are you ok baby?" I ask him and he doesn't say anything. "Luke talk to me now please." I say sitting up on the bed. Still nothing so I will do something that I know will get his attention. I grab a pillow and blanket and walk out of the room slamming the door. I make it to the couch when I hear another door slam. As I get comfortable on the couch I hear Luke coming down the stairs. 

"Why are you on the couch?" He asks me sitting on the arm of the couch.

"Really I wonder. Maybe because you are being a jerk and ignoring me." I say crossing my arms .

" Really Kimi? I'm the jerk." He yells standing up and walking out of the room.

I so can't take this stress and its killing me. I though we was ok and now I just don't know now. So I go upstairs grab my bag and put things in it so I can just leave. He clearly don't care enough that he has me in tears and sees the way he just treated me. As I shut the door I hear him coming up the stairs and opens the door. 

"Where are you going now? Why is your bag packed?" He asks walking over to me.

"Luke  I can't do this stress and you clearly didn't have a problem yelling at me downstairs." As I am yelling at him he has tears forming in his eyes as he drops to his knees.

"Please don't leave me .Please I am so sorry. Caroline just made me so mad and it hurt with the things she said about you. She tried to tell me she was pregnant Kimi which is why I was so  mad because she knew that is what I wanted the most from her." He tells me between wiping tears away. Dang now I am crying. I can't stand no more I am weak again so I almost fall but Luke noticed and quickly grabs me.

"Come on baby you need to rest. Let's get some sleep we can talk in the morning." he says pulling the blankets back on the bed.

"No I hate going to bed  angry." I tell him sitting up.

"Well how do we fix this?" Luke asks me.

"Well for starters you kiss me. Then from now on don't ignore me talk to me when something is bothering you please." I say and before I can say anything else he kisses me with so much passion. This man knows how to make me feel so loved.

"Ok so now can we go to sleep?'' he asks me pulling back from our kiss.

"First I have to go the the bathroom. Then we can go to bed." I tell him getting up out of bed. 

After I finish we both cuddle up under the blankets and drift off to sleep.

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