here it goes

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Luke pov
As I am finishing the quick interview up before heading back I video chat some of the guys who is helping. They all are on there way to Nashville for this surprise. I am sending Kimi on a scavenger hunt and at each stop one of the guys will be there to give her the next clue. I hope she loves it and says yes again. I have everything set in motion and now just got to wait till the get here so I can give them the items they will need . I pull in to the lot where the bus is and everyone outside hanging out but I don't see Kimi.
"Hey man where is Kimi?" I ask Mike.
He says,"she said she was going to lay down." As I go on the bus I see the bedroom door closed so I open it very quiet. She laying on my side of the bed wearing on of my shirts.  So I crawl into bed next to her.
"Hey baby girl." I say kissing her forehead.
"Hey Luke I missed you." She says opening her eyes and smiling. Every time she smiles it puts one on my face.
"How are my babies?" I ask her rubbing her beautiful belly.
"Just tired, and now hungry." She says sitting up on the bed. We decided to get ready and head out to get a quick bite to eat before my sound check and meet and greet. We head over to subway which is around the block from here. She orders her a spicy Italian and I get myself a blt. As we are finishing up a few fans notice us and they want pictures and autographs. I look over at Kimi and she waves me to do it.

Kimi pov
He looks so happy with his fans, but hey I was that one before so I know what they thinking. As they get their pictures and all I go to the bathroom really quick. As I am in the stale I hear others come in chatting.
"Why is Luke with someone like her she ain't even pretty."one says. They other says," I know I have a better chance then her. Watch and see."I hear them walk back out. As I walk out after washing my hands I see the girls around Luke. I stand there for a second and watch. He is trying to get up but they not letting him. The blond e has her hands on Luke's arm, ok that's it.
"Excues me but why are your hands on my fiancee?"I ask her.
"Girl he is not marrying someone like you." She says standing up.
"Bitch please he asked me I said yes." Waving my hand. "He loves me."
"Girl you just his toy but by the end of the night he's mine." She says and I swing and punch her because she shoved me.
"Damn baby girl wow." Luke says grabbing my hand to walk out to leave.                                                  "Sorry Luke I just couldn't let her get by with that, she put her hands on me." I tell him.                   "It's ok I don't mind let's get back and get you some ice for that hand." he tells me looking at my hand as he helps me in his truck. On the way back to the stadium we just sit quite and listen to the radio.  We pull up and he helps me out and we walk on the bus everyone asking me if I was ok. Luke says, " This girl can fight ya all. One punch and she knocked a girl on her ass."            We all chat for a little bit more and Luke has to get ready for his sound check and meet and greet. I told him I was going to stay here till he was done because I didn't want to see to many people at the moment. He comes in before he leaves to give me a kiss and told me that if I change my mind to call and he'll have someone come with me. I must have fell asleep because next thing I know Luke is waking me up. 

"Hey baby I been trying to call you." he says leaning in to kiss me. I sit up quick because he kinda scared me.  "Geeze Luke give me a heart attack." I say to him.  "Sorry baby girl you going to get up and get ready to come watch the show I go on in about 30 minutes. I nod my head and get up and get everything ready and Luke is watching me. When I am ready we start walking out and I tease him a little.                                                                                                                                                       "Damn girl you need to stop because you are making me hard. I can not go out on that stage with a hard on." Luke says into my ear.                                                                                                                 

Luke pov

"Well lets go in here really quick and I can help with that." she says pushing me into the closet. As she locks the door she drops to her knees and undoes my  belt. "Baby girl what you doing?" I ask running my hands through her hair as she undoes my jeans. "What's it look like I'm doing ? I am sucking my handsome  fiancee off before he goes on stage. No shut up and enjoy it."  She says licking my tip as my per cum comes out. As she pumps my cock a little she shoves all of me in her mouth with no problems.  I start to moan because it feels amazing.   Kimi is twirling her tongue all around my cock and I am so close. " Damn baby girl I am so close." I tell her and she sucks harder and I let go in her mouth." Fuck Fuck Fuck." I moan as I let go. She licks me clean and stands up smiling ear to ear. " How was that?" She asks me. "Baby girl that was amazing no lets go before they start looking for me." I say fixing my top and she fixes her hair and we walk out.  I go out on stage and put on an amazing show because well my beautiful woman I love so much is back stage watching. 

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