'Hold My Baby, I'll Drive' (Dean)

Start from the beginning

You chuckled softly, hugging his torso more cozily. "Honey he's just 3 days old. Enjoy every moment with him, you can do everything with him in the future," You mumbled, "Now shut up and get some sleep. You'll regret not having it later."

The room fell silent, just the soft hum of the air conditioning in the background. It continued to be like that for around twenty minutes but you weren't anywhere near sleep. You wanted to be consumed by slumber so bad, you were beyond exhausted, but you just couldn't fall asleep.

Talk about unfortunate...

"Dean?" You whispered, gaining a response of his soft snoring. You frowned, intertwining your hand with his and shutting your eyes, trying to sleep once-


You jerked a bit, startled by the sudden crying that broke the peaceful atmosphere. Dean groaned then shook his head and sat up. You did the same and rubbed your face. You got up and walked to your son's crib, checking on him.

Tears flowed down his cheeks and you picked him up, cradling him and patting his chest ever so lightly. To be honest with yourself, you don't feel that confident with holding him at this stage. He was just so... small and you felt like you would break him.

He calmed down after a few moments and you put him back in his crib after giving him a kiss on his head. You made sure he was wrapped up properly then walked back to your bed-


You shut your eyes slowly, pausing your movement then turning around. Your baby just wouldn't go back to sleep. Something was bothering him.

You looked over to him and whispered, "What happened sweetheart?" Not expecting an answer but it just felt appropriate for you to do.

You rubbed his front side slowly to relax him, which did comfort him a little bit but he was still a little distressed.

"What's wrong? Why's he... crying," Dean questioned in a hoarse voice as he rubbed his eyes. He sat up again against the head board, he had laid back down after you had calmed [y/s/n] to resume his sleep.

"I don't know, he's just agitated. He can't be hungry, I fed him before I put him to sleep and he doesn't need a change," You informed.

"Well he seems to be calm now, come back and let's see," Dean said and put his head back, shutting his eyes. Who could blame him for being so exhausted? He took care of your son while you both were at the hospital. You had sort of caught up on reviving your energy then. Nonetheless you were extremely tired as well.

You sat on the bed and waited patiently for some crying. Once you heard nothing, and noticed your son's eyes get a little a droopy, you may down close next to Dean and shut your eyes. The cold room and warmth under the covers was soothing. While memories and dreams played back in your mind you slowly drifted off to sleep.

But not long after was your sons cries heard piercing through the relaxation. You buried your head deeper in your pillow hoping to drown out the sound. You're not annoyed by your son calling for some help from his parents, you could never be, but you just... all you were asking for was four hours of sleep to rejuvenate for the next day.

"What is wrong with him? Babies aren't supposed to wake up this much right?" You asked with concern and Dean shrugged his shouders. It was his turn to get up and check on the baby and he picked his son and held him in his arms.

Dean walked around the room a little then looked at you, who was staring at one spot on your bed completely deep in thought.

"Honey are you okay?" Dean asked softly but you didn't reply, "[y/n]... [y/n]-"

"Huh what? Sorry," You said and rubbed your face. "What's wrong?" He questioned with a frown and you sighed.

"I don't think I can go through with this for like a month," You said sadly, "I just... I just feel like crying for some weird reason. I can't go through one night and I'm already losing it. Sorry... it's probably the post-delivery exhaustion."

Your eyes moistened with tears and Dean came and sat next to you. "Hey you're not losing it alright? And what are you apologising for? You just need to recharge. I mean, come on you just gave birth three days ago. It must have taken the life out of you," Dean said with a soft smile, "I'm here for you for anything."

You nodded your head slowly and he grinned. "Hey even if you feel like shedding a few tears, you can have my shoulder to put your head on," He said and you chuckled a bit.

You hugged onto his arm and looked to your son, who was watching his parents with fascination, or whatever blurry blobs were in front of him.

"He's probably thinking 'damn, mom and dad are beautiful'," Dean commented and you grinned. "Yeah I doubt that! I don't think he can see us that well just yet. Bring him closer to your face," You told and Dean followed.

"Hi there [y/s/n], how's life treating you?" Dean said soothily and to his surprise your son gave him a little baby smile.

"He smiled! Somebody loves his-"

"It's probably just him-"

Dean looked at you with a blank serious expression, "Don't ruin the moment with your motherly facts. Let me enjoy my time bonding with my son."

"Fine," You said then kissed your son in the forehead and kissed Dean on the lips, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sleep."

"Oh sweetheart, one more thing," Dean said, "If he wakes up again, I'll check on him. I want you to have the most peaceful sleep tonight."

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