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it's a short one folks but I have lots more coming this summer. takes place whenever Sam ran off in season 5. Jemma comforts Dean after he has a nightmare.


Sam had been gone for three weeks, and Dean had found himself sleeping less and less everyday, worrying about his brother.

Jemma could see it too, how tired he was, how overwhelmed. She tried her best to cheer him up, but nothing seemed to be working. Sometimes she would sneak out of her room at night to see what he was doing. Most of the time he drank. Sometimes he just sat on the couch and stared at the wall.

"Bobby, why is Daddy sad?" Jemma asked Bobby one day.

"He's just worried, darlin'. Don't worry about it."

"I don't like seeing him sad. I want him to feel better."

"What do you say we make a pie for your daddy? You think that'll make him feel a little better?"

Jemma brightened. "Yeah. He likes cherry pie the best."

"Well let's get going."


Jemma sat on the counter, stirring the contents of the bowl to the best of her ability.

"Make sure you get the stuff on the sides."

"I got it."

Bobby smiled as she grunted and frowned, the spoon becoming trapped in the mixture.

"Bobby, what is Daddy worried about?"

"Oh, he's just worried about Sam. He's got a lot of weight on his shoulders. The angels..."

Jemma just nodded. "Is he gonna be okay again?"

"Your daddy always ends up okay in the end."

Dean came through the door as soon as the pie was finished cooling down. Where he was all day, no one knew.

"Daddy! Daddy! Bobby and I made a pie for you."

Dean scooped Jemma into his arms as she ran at him. "You did? Just for me?"

"Well, we get to have some too."

Dean smiled. "Yes you do."

"We made cherry pie 'cause it's your favorite."

"Thank you, Sunshine." Dean pressed a kiss to her cheek and set her down. He still looked sad, and he walked around like there was actual weight on his shoulders. His forehead was permanently creased.

"Daddy, will you tell me a story before I go to bed?" Jemma asked.

"Not tonight, Sunshine. Daddy's tired."

Jemma deflated. "Okay. G'night."

"Goodnight. I love you."


A scream broke through Jemma's peaceful sleep. She bolted upright, breathing heavily.

"No, no!"

"Daddy?" Jemma called frantically. She slipped out of her bed and ran to her father's bedroom.

"Stop! Don't!"

She opened the door to find her father asleep in bed, his skin glowing with sweat. He was tossing and turning all over the bed.

"Daddy?" Jemma was about to tap on his shoulder when Bobby picked her up from behind. "Bobby, what's happening?"

"He's just having a bad dream, Jem."

"He's scared." Tears pricked Jemma's eyes. It hurt her to see her father like this.

Bobby touched Dean's leg. "Dean, wake up. Wake up. You're having a bad dream."

Dean's eyes flew open. He stared at Bobby. "Go, Bobby, run! Get out of here!"

"Dean, it's not real. You're awake. It was a dream."

"Get Jemma out of here! They'll take her!"

"Dean! Look at me! It's not real, boy. It was a nightmare."

Dean panted, then blinked a few times.

"You with me now?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Sorry."

"Don't apologize. Let me go get you a glass of water." Bobby set Jemma down on the bed and left.

"Are you okay, Daddy?"

Dean rubbed his eyes, but Jemma saw the stray tear that fell down his cheek. "I'm fine, Sunshine. I didn't mean to wake you up and scare you."

"It's okay. What was your dream about?"

He shook his head. "Don't worry about it, Jem. Just some... bad things happening to you and Bobby and Uncle Sam."

Images flashed through Dean's brain of watching Bobby and Sam be tortured by the angels. One angel held a blade against Jemma's throat as she cried hysterically.

"Do you want a hug?"

Dean gave her a small smile. "I would love a hug."

Jemma wrapped her arms around Dean's neck and squeezed tightly. "It wasn't real, Daddy. You're okay."

Dean realized she was parroting what he told her whenever she had a nightmare. Bobby returned with the glass of water, which Dean gulped down.

"Do you want me to stay with you tonight, Daddy?"

"I would love that, Sunshine."

"Okay. Lemme go get something first."

Jemma scuttled out of the room and returned moments later with her stuffed animal frog. She climbed back onto the bed and got underneath the covers beside Dean.

"Here, you can have my frog if you want."

He took the frog and tucked it under one arm. "You're so sweet."

"Bobby told me you have a lot of weight on your shoulders."

"Did he?"

"Mhmm. That's why we made you a pie, 'cause we wanted you to feel better."

"You're lookin' out for your old man, huh?"

Jemma nodded. "But you're not old."

Dean smiled. "I know."

"Did your dream scare you?"

"Yeah. Sometimes I get scared from nightmares too."

Jemma gently placed a hand on Dean's arm, a gesture so tender for someone her age that tears almost came to Dean's eyes.

"It's okay. It wasn't real. You don't have to be scared anymore."

"Jemma, will you do me a favor and never change?"

She smiled as she wrapped one arm around his neck and buried her face in his chest. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, Sunshine. So much."

Jemma Winchester One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now