And They All Lived Happily Ever After

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Hello all.

This chapter is one of my favorites I love it so much and I'm really proud of it.

Alrighty so this chapter is set in a universe where Quinn told Dean she was pregnant and he stayed with her and Jemma was raised in a loving functional home with both of her parents.

Warnings: none

Word count: 2140


September 8, 2001
7:09 am

"Congratulations! It's a girl!"

"It's... it's a girl?" Quinn Winchester asked breathlessly.

"It's a girl," her husband, Dean Winchester, confirmed, tears in his eyes.

The doctor cleaned the baby off, swaddled her in a blanket, and handed her to Quinn. "She's beautiful," Quinn said, crying. "Dean... you—you don't have to stay. I know what you do. I can raise her on my—"

"Are you kidding me?" Dean cut in, looking down at his newborn daughter. "I love you, and I love this baby. I'm not leaving. I already left that life."

"But—your dad—"

"Screw him. I'm here, and I'm never leaving."

And Dean never did leave. Quinn moved out of her parent's house and they bought a little house for the three of them. They named the baby Jemma, middle name Arabella. Quinn had found the names in a baby book after two weeks of their daughter being nameless.

Just as Quinn expected, the little girl had Dean wrapped around her finger from the day she was born. He was the only one who could get her back to sleep at night; whenever Quinn tried to sing her back to sleep, she would scream like a banshee until Dean came in and sang to her.

Quinn went to school during the day while Dean stayed home with Jemma, and Dean went to work at night while Quinn stayed home with Jemma. It was tough, but they made it work, and Quinn graduated from high school two years later, her husband by her side and daughter in her arms.

They both loved the little girl to no end. A few months after Jemma was born, Dean contacted his father and made up. Making up with his brother was soon after.

The best way to describe Jemma as she grew up was "Dean Jr." She was smart and brave like her father, but inherited his ability to get into trouble. Nothing serious, just a few visits to the principal's office throughout her academic career. Jemma looked just like Dean, but she had Quinn's eyes.

Dean taught Jemma nearly everything she knew: how to swim, how to ride a bike, and now he was in the process of teaching her how to drive. Her first word was "Dada".

Quinn worked mornings at a local restaurant, Dean worked at the car garage, and Jemma went to school. At night, Dean made dinner while Quinn helped Jemma with her homework. They were happy with their normal life.

January 27, 2017
3:21 pm

Quinn sat on the living room couch, flipping through a magazine when she heard the front door open.

"Mom?" Jemma called. "Are you home?"

"In here, Bug."

Jemma dropped her backpack on the floor and collapsed onto the couch beside her mother. She laid her head on her shoulder and looped her arms around one of her mother's arms.

"You okay, baby?"

Jemma nodded. "Got a lot of homework. I should probably get started on it now."

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