The Hunter and the Monster

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Hello all.

This chapter is so freaking cute I can't stand it

Word count: 1729

Warnings: none


December 23, 2008
5:46 pm
Dean's POV

It was almost Christmas, so Sam and Dean decided to stop hunting for a couple weeks and spend their break at Bobby's house.

Dean was currently sitting on the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table. There was a fire in the hearth, and he was enjoying himself.

"Daddy?" His daughter appeared from around the corner and climbed into his lap. Dean smiled. Jemma had become so much more comfortable and outgoing in the past three months.

"What's up, Sunshine?"

"Can we play a game?"

"Sure. There's a deck of cards around here somewhere. You want to play Go Fish?"

Jemma shook her head. "I wanna play a game I made up."

"And what would that game be?"

"Hunter 'n monster."

"Hmm. I'll bite. How do you play?"

"It's really simple. I'm a hunter and you're the monster."

"Sounds simple. Alright, let's go."

Jemma grinned. "Okay! You gotta let me set it up first."

Dean remained on the couch as Jemma scurried off down the hall. Not even a full minute later, she came back out with her rubber duck and climbed the stairs with it.



"Don't go in any room you're not supposed to, okay?"


Dean could hear her feet above him. He guessed she was in Bobby's old study.

Jemma descended the stairs, rubber duck-less. "Okay," she said. "You kidnapped my ducky, now I have to go save him."

"What happens if I get you first before I get your ducky?" Dean challenged.

Jemma crossed her arms. "You can't get me, I'm a hunter."

Dean raised his brows. "Oh yeah? Well what happens if I eat your ducky before you save him?"

His daughter frowned. "You can't eat my ducky, 'cause I'm the hunter and I'm gonna win."

"Is that so?"

"Yes." And with that, she took off for the stairs. She was halfway up them before Dean even got off the couch and was chasing after her.

"Hey, you get back here!"

Ahead of him and out of sight, Jemma giggled. He slowed down, giving her time to retrieve the duck. He stomped down the hall slowly. "It's no use hiding," he said in a menacing voice. "I'll get you my pretty, and your little duck too!"

Dean swung open the door of Bobby's old study. "'Cause this monster loves to eat little girls and rubber ducks!" He dropped to his knees in front of the desk, expecting to find Jemma hiding underneath it, but she wasn't there. He searched the whole room; his daughter and her duck were gone.

"I see how it is. I have to give it to you," he called. "You fooled me once." Dean left the study and noticed the door to a spare bedroom was open a crack. He grinned and pushed it open further. "But you know how the saying goes." He dropped to his knees again beside the bed, waiting until he finished his monologue to reveal his daughter. "Fool me twice, shame on—"

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