De-aged Again

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"You sure you know what you're doing?"

Jemma sighed. "Yes, Dad."

Dean raised his hands in surrender. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I'm not going to get hurt. I've killed a witch all by myself, remember?"

"Okay. Let's go."


Dean should have known better. He knew he shouldn't have let Jemma come on the hunt.

The witch had Jemma trapped in her arms, a large knife against her throat.

"Let her go," Dean demanded.

"Why would I ever do that?" the witch asked in a shrill voice. "It's so much fun torturing you hunters."

"Let her go. Take me instead."

"Or me," Sam chimed in.

"No, Dad," Jemma protested. "Don't."

"I'll make a compromise." The witch slipped a hex bag into Jemma's pocket and began chanting in some ancient tongue.

"Stop!" Dean shouted. "What are you doing?"

Jemma clutched her stomach. "Dad, something's—"

The witch pushed Jemma away as Jemma was engulfed in a blue light. Dean caught her in his arms as the light faded and the witch disappeared.

A baby wailing cut through the sudden silence. Dean looked down at the small baby with lighter blonde hair and unmistakable blue-green eyes in his arms, crying at the top of her lungs.

"Not again," he groaned.

"Great," Sam muttered.

Dean bounced Jemma around. "Shh, shh, it's okay, Sunshine. Don't cry."

The baby's crying subsided into whimpering. She was small; probably around four or five months old.

"Come on, we should get out of here. The witch could come back," Sam said.

"Yeah." Jemma waved her arms and babbled as they walked back to the Impala. "Here, you hold her while I drive."

As soon as Dean transferred Jemma into Sam's arms, she started screeching. Sam tried to quiet her down, but she just kept crying.

"Is she hungry?"

"I don't know! Here—just give her to me." Dean took her back from Sam, and she immediately stopped crying. Dean laughed. "Oh, you just want to be held by me, don't you?"

Sam rolled his eyes. "We should go to the store and get her formula and diapers and stuff."

"Yeah. You drive."

Jemma remained mostly quiet for the drive to the baby store. Dean couldn't help but fawn over her.

"Hey, pretty girl. Yeah, you. You are just the cutest stinkin' thing I've ever seen." She gave him a gummy smile and gurgled happily. "Yes you are." He glanced up to find Sam staring at him. "What? Keep your eyes on the road."

"I don't think I've ever heard you talk to a baby like that."

"It's different. It's my baby."

Sam sighed. "True."

"Hey, why don't you lay off the gas? We got precious cargo on board." He gestured between Jemma and himself. Sam just rolled his eyes.

Dean looked down at his newly-infantile daughter. Her clothes had somehow managed to transform into a blue bodysuit, so that was helpful. She stared up at him with wide eyes.

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