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Hello all

This chapter is technically almost 3 months late but whatever. I started to write this during Pride Month and it's Jemma going to her first Pride Parade

Word count: 1790

Warnings: none



I take a deep breath and knock on Dad's bedroom door.

"Come in," he says.

I push open the door. Dad smiles. "Hey, Sunshine. What's up?"

"So, um, I was poking around on the Internet and I saw that, uh, there's a pride parade in Topeka next weekend, and I was wondering if we could go."

Dad tilts his head, clearly confused. "Pride?"

"Yeah, pride. Like... gay pride."

"Ohhh, that's right. Sure, we can go, if a hunt doesn't come up."


"I don't see why not."

I wrap my arms around his neck. "Thank you!"

Dad laughs. "You're welcome, Sunshine. Hey—speaking of, have you told your grandmother yet?"

"No. I'm nervous. I mean, she grew up in the fifties, which was a notoriously homophobic time period."

Dad shrugs. "I don't know. I think she's good with it."

"I don't know if I should." I wring my hands together nervously.

"It's your choice, Jemma. If you do, and she doesn't approve, she can find somewhere else to stay."

"Dad, she's your mom, I don't—"

"And you're my daughter, and if someone doesn't like the way you are, I'll kick their ass."

I give him a small smile. "Okay. I think I'll do it."

Dad kisses my forehead. "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Dad." I stand and leave his room.

I can do this. I can do this. I walk out into the library where Grandma is sitting at the table, reading a book. She looks up. "Hey, sweet pea."

I can't do this.

"Jemma, is something wrong?"

I can do this. "No, no, I'm fine. Um, can we talk?"

"Yeah, of course. Come sit down."

I sit down across from her. "I've been wanting to tell you this for awhile, but I don't know if you're gonna be okay with it and it's really gonna suck if you're not okay with it because Dad and Uncle Sam—"

"Honey, you're rambling. Take a deep breath."

"Okay. Okay. Sorry, I'm just nervous." I take a deep breath. "Okay. Grandma, I'm bisexual."

She frowns slightly. "I'm sorry, I'm a little rusty on my terms. What is that?"

My cheeks heat up. "I like boys... and girls."

She smiles. "That's right."

"So... you're okay with that?"

"Of course, sweet pea. You know, I was watching videos on FaceTube the other day—"

"YouTube, Grandma."

"Right. YouTube. Anyway, I was trying to get caught up on some things I missed, and I watched this speech at the Tonys and it was very moving."

Jemma Winchester One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now