Accidents Happen

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Hello all.

Feel free to message me some one shot requests that you might have because that would be awesome!

Warnings: mentions of abusive parent

Word count: 774

January 13, 2009
12:22 am

"Daddy?" Dean felt a light tap on his shoulder, waking him up. "Daddy?"

Without opening his eyes, he said, "What's up, Sunshine?"

"Um, I, um, I had an accident."

There was something in his daughter's voice that made him open his eyes. Jemma stood next to his bed. He, Sam, and Jemma had their own rooms at Bobby's house where they stayed in between hunting jobs, which was the case right now. She had tears in her eyes, her hands behind her back.

"You had an accident?" Dean asked, not understanding what she was trying to say.

Jemma nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Yeah."

"What kind of accident?"

Jemma looked at him incredulously. "I had an accident."

Realization dawned on Dean. "Oh. You had an accident."

"I'm sorry, Daddy." Jemma burst into tears. "I didn't mean to."

Dean sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, and was shocked as Jemma took a few steps back, fear overcoming her little face. "Hey, Jemma," Dean said gently, "I'm not mad."

Jemma wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "Y-You're not?"

"Of course not. It's called an accident for a reason. Why don't we go change your sheets and your pajamas?"

Jemma nodded as Dean stood. He held out his hand for her to hold, trying to let her know he wasn't angry. She took it hesitantly.

"Alright, Sunshine," Dean said as he opened the linen closet in the hallway. "Let's see what we got. Do you want the green sheets or the flannel sheets?"

"T-The flannel ones."

"Good choice. Those'll keep you nice and warm." He gave his daughter a smile, which she returned with watery eyes. "Alright, let's get you into some new pajamas."



"Can I wear one of your shirts to bed? They're nice 'n soft 'n warm."

Dean's heart melted at his daughter's request. "Of course you can. Why don't you change your pants and underwear while I go get one?"

Jemma nodded and scurried off to her bedroom, quietly closing the door behind her. Dean was about to turn around when the door to Sam's bedroom swung open. "What are you doing up? It's 12:30 in the morning," Sam said gruffly.

"Jemma had an accident."

Sam rubbed his eyes and looked at Dean with puzzlement. "An accident?"

"She wet the bed, Sam."

"Oh. Is she okay?"

"Yeah. She was crying, but I calmed her down."

"She was crying? Why?"

"She wet the bed, Sam, she's probably embarrassed."

Sam shook his head. "It just doesn't seem like her to cry over something so little."

"Go back to bed, Dr. Phil."

Sam rolled his eyes and went back into his bedroom, but his observation had sparked some worry in Dean. It was unlike Jemma to cry over something so unimportant. The thought pestered his mind as he dug through his duffel bag and retrieved an old cotton Metallica t-shirt. Why would Jemma cry over wetting the bed? His daughter was smart; she knew it happened sometimes.

Dean opened the door to Jemma's bedroom, t-shirt and bedsheets in hand. Jemma stood next to her bed, in new pajama pants. Dean handed her the shirt, and she changed into it quickly. He smiled as she ran her hands over the shirt contently. "It goes all the way down to my knees," she observed.

"Yeah. If it were Uncle Sam's shirt, it would go all the way down to your feet."

Jemma giggled. "Yeah."

"Alright, how about we get these sheets on and get you back to bed?"

Jemma nodded and grabbed the comforter, pulling it off the bed. Dean pulled off all the sheets and threw them in the laundry. With some help from his daughter, he put the new sheets on. "Alright, hop into bed, missy." Jemma climbed up onto the bed and snuggled into the sheets. Dean sat down gingerly on the edge of the bed. "Jemma, why did you think I would be mad you had an accident?"

Jemma shrugged. "Momma got mad at me when I had an accident. She hit me."

"She would hit you when you had an accident?"

"Yeah." Jemma's voice was tight.

Dean thought they had worked past all of the Quinn issues. Apparently he was wrong.

"You know Daddy would never hit you, right?" She nodded. "And you know Daddy loves you more than anything, right?" She nodded again. "Do you want me to stay in here tonight?"

Jemma shook her head. "I'll be okay." She let out a big yawn.

"Goodnight, Sunshine."

"Goodnight, Daddy."

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