Jailhouse Rock

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I grunt as the vampire kicks my legs out from underneath me. She runs off, and I chase after her.

She ducks behind a tree, thinking I can't see her. I step cautiously toward the tree, my machete ready. I jump, ready to swing, only to find there's no one there.

I almost fall as she jumps onto my back, tackling me to the ground. I roll over, digging my nails into her hands until she lets go, and I stand, not hesitating before bringing the machete down, decapitating her.

I jump as a car door slams behind me.

"Drop the weapon! Get down on your knees and put your hands behind your head!"

I turn around to face the four police officers with their guns pointing at me, the headlights of the cop cars blinding me. Shit.

I drop the machete and do as they say. One comes over and handcuffs my wrists together.

"You are under arrest for the kidnapping and murder of Nicole Peterson. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you."

"This isn't what it looks like," I try to explain. "I didn't—"

"We have bodycam footage of you decapitating her."

A small crowd of people have gathered near the cop cars. As we approach the cars, the people glare at me. Some cover their mouths with their hands at the sight of the decapitated vampire.

But at the edge of the crowd stand Dad and Uncle Sam. Dad runs a hand through his hair. "We'll figure it out," he mouths.

I nod slightly as the cop shoves me into the car and slams the door shut. The car speeds away, and there's just enough time for me to turn around and see Dad mouth "It's okay" to me.


Once my mugshot has been taken, I'm moved to an actual prison. Girls younger and older than me scream and yell through the bars of their cells. My orange jumpsuit is a little big for me.

"This is where we put the ladies like you," the cop holding my arm says as he opens a door to a cell with no windows, an uncomfortable-looking bed, a sink, and a toilet. He unlocks my handcuffs, and I step inside. "Solitary. Hope you like it here, Doe."

I haven't said a word to the cops the whole time, so they've been referring to me as Jane Doe.

It's late, and I'm tired. I lie down on the bed and try to sleep, but the cell is so small and the bed is so uncomfortable that I only get a few hours.


The next morning, the girls from my block and I are lined up, our hands handcuffed in front of us, and marched down to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"I've heard rumors about you."

I jump at the voice behind me. I turn to find a girl with cherry red hair standing two inches from my face, towering over me.

"I just got here last night," I say.

She shrugs. "Word spreads fast. I heard you decapitated a girl in the woods. Is that true?"

"I shouldn't say anything."

"Relax, I'm no snitch."

I sigh. "Yeah, I did. But it's not what you think it is."

She raises her eyebrow. "Oh really? 'Cause it sounds like you were on some good ass drugs."

"I don't do drugs." I pick up my tray and find an empty table, the girl following me.

Jemma Winchester One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now