A Day Out with Uncle Cas

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Hello all

Y'all I still can't believe I witnessed Hamilton on Broadway it was so beautiful.

Here have some lil Jemma and Cas

Word count: 1609

Warnings: none(?)


May 21, 2011
Cas's POV

Over the past few months, it had become Castiel's duty to watch over the youngest Winchester from time to time. Primarily it was because Dean and Sam were arguing, and Dean did not want his daughter to be caught in the crossfire. Sam, after all, had lost his soul, which left the brothers arguing frequently.

Today was no exception. Cas was with Crowley when he heard Dean's praying. "I have to leave," he said.

"It's the Winchesters, isn't it?" Crowley asked, brow raised.

Cas didn't respond and just left, finding himself standing in a motel room somewhere in Arkansas. Jemma sat on a bed, while Dean and Sam were standing across from each other, anger written clearly on their faces.

"Cas, will you take Jemma for a little bit?" Dean asked, voice strained.

"Yes, I can do that."

"Jemma, go hang out with Cas for awhile, okay?"

"Okay," the nine-year-old replied and hopped off the bed, shuffling over to Cas and following him out of the motel room.

"Where would you like to go today?" he asked Jemma.

She shrugged. "I dunno. You can pick this time."

Jemma's passive behavior was unusual. She always knew exactly where she wanted to visit. Cas supposed it was because she knew her father and uncle were fighting, but he knew just the place to take her mind off of it.

"What do you think about Spain?"

This caught Jemma's attention. "My dad said we shouldn't leave the country." Despite her own words, she looked up at Cas with excitement in her eyes.

"I don't think he'll mind just this once."

She nodded, a grin growing on her face. "Okay!" She took Cas's hand, then they were standing in an alley off a busy street in Barcelona. Cas guided the young girl out into the street, which was filled with street vendors and masses of people hustling about. He watched Jemma look around, scanning the crowd.

It was two o'clock, Barcelona time. "I have something to show you," Cas said and took Jemma's hand. Jemma complied and walked quietly alongside the angel.

Over the two years that Cas had known the Winchesters, he had grown fond of the youngest. He had been around angels for such a long time, he didn't realize how much he missed the innocence and curiosity of human children until he met the little girl. It was amazing, how differently adults and children perceived the world. Whenever Cas met up with the Winchesters for a case, it was only Jemma who looked at the world with wonder in her eyes.

"Uncle Cas, where are we going?"

And there was, of course, the way that she had adopted Cas as a part of her family.

"You'll see. It's a surprise."

Jemma seemed content with his answer. He tried to walk a little slower than usual so she could keep up. After fifteen minutes of walking, she asked again, "Where are we going?"

"You're a little impatient today, aren't you?"

"We've been walking for forever."

"I don't think fifteen minutes qualifies as 'forever'. We're almost there, I promise."

Jemma Winchester One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now