Coming Out (Jemma)

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I'm sorry this is late I was at a friend's house.

Also Jemma's girlfriend will be a recurring character because I love her.

Word count: 3017

Warnings: none


We've been in the car for twelve hours. Needless to say, it's been boring. I'm usually fine with being in the car for such a long time, but I just want to get where we're going. Dad and Uncle Sam are meeting up with another hunter for a hunt, and she has a daughter who is the same age as me, and we're friends.

"Are we almost there?" I ask for the tenth time in the past hour.

"We'll get there when we get there," is Dad's response. "I know you want to see Raine, but you have to be patient."

At the mention of her name, I smile.

"We'll be there in three hours."

I groan. "I can't stay in this car any longer."

"You're such a drama queen," Uncle Sam says.

"I can't help it, I get it from my father."

"That you do, Jem."

Dad smacks Uncle Sam in the arm. "You two can get out and walk."


Finally, finally, after fifteen hours in the Impala, we pull into the Delgado's driveway. It's just Raine and her mom Phoebe; her dad died on a hunt when she was little.

"Sam! Dean!" Phoebe greets when she opens the front door. "And Jemma. It's so nice to see you guys. Come in, come in. Jemma, Raine's upstairs."

"Okay, thank you."

I ascend the stairs and walk down the hall to Raine's bedroom. I open the door without knocking, only to find Raine standing there in just a bra and jeans. "Oh, sh— I-I'm sorry!" I go to shut the door, but Raine grabs it.

"Jemma? Jemma, it's fine. Come in."

Wordlessly, I enter her room and shut the door behind me. I can feel my face getting red as Raine slips a low-cut t-shirt over her head. She flips her long, wavy black hair over her shoulders and smiles. "Hey, chica."

"H-Hey," I stutter.

"What's wrong, Winchester? Cat got your tongue?" she teases.

"Shut up."

"Ah, now there's Jemma. So, what've you been up to since the last time we met?"

I collapse on the edge of her bed. "Nothing, really."

"Oh, come on. What about that boyfriend of yours? Wyatt?"

"We broke up. Well, it's more complicated than that."

"That asshole. You're too pretty for him anyway." Raine sits down on her bed beside me.

"I am not."

She rolls her eyes. "You're gorgeous, Jemma. You're, like, the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

I can feel the blush creeping back onto my face.

"Ha! I made you blush again."

"You did not! What about you? You have anyone?"

Raine shrugs. "No one's really catching my eye these days. Ladies or fellas."

"That's too bad. You're really pretty." The words come out of my mouth before I can stop them. The blush on my face intensifies.

"Well, I mean, there is this one girl..." Raine leans in closer to me.

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