Drama Queen

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Hello all.

This chapter is just very cute I love it sm. Don't forget that I take requests/ideas for chapters.

Word count: 1288


May 23, 2011
5:36 pm

Dean's POV

Dean watched as his daughter danced around Bobby's living room. She stopped when she saw him.

"Hey!" Jemma scolded. "You can't watch! It's supposed to be a surprise!" She shooed him from the living room.

Jemma's class was doing a play, and she had refused to tell Dean, Sam, or Bobby any of the details. She kept saying it was a surprise.

"She catch you?" Bobby asked as he came into the kitchen.

"Yeah. Listen, me and Sam found a case over in Portland. I think we're gonna go."

Bobby sighed. "Alright. What is it?"

"Vamp nest, we think."

"When are you leaving?"

"Early tomorrow morning."

"Dean, your kid is really excited about this play of hers."

"I know."

"You'd better be there."

"I will. I promise."

"Alright. Dinner will be ready soon."

"Okay." Dean left the kitchen and returned to the den, where Jemma was still dancing around. "Jemma."

She stopped and grinned at him, her cheeks red from dancing, panting a little. "You didn't catch me this time," she said triumphantly. Upon seeing the look on his face, her grin disappeared. "What's wrong?" Jemma asked.

His daughter had always had this uncanny ability to know what people were feeling.

"C'mere, Jemma." She came closer as Dean kneeled down so he was about her height. "Me and Uncle Sam are leaving tomorrow morning for a hunt."

"Okay. Are you gonna be back before my play?"

"Believe me, Sunshine, I wouldn't miss it for the world."


"I promise. I'll be right in the front, cheering the loudest."

Jemma gave him a small smile. "Okay."

"Let's go eat dinner."


"Jemma. Wake up, Sunshine," Dean whispered as he gently shook his daughter's shoulder. It was five in the morning, and he and Sam were leaving.

"What?" Jemma mumbled and rubbed her eyes.

"Me and Uncle Sam are heading out. Just wanted to say good-bye."

"Are you sure you're gonna be back for my play?"

"I promised, didn't I?"


"Then I'll be there, Sunshine." Dean leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Go back to sleep, it's early. I love you."

"I love you too, Daddy."


Bobby's POV

Bobby tapped the kitchen counter in impatience. He wanted to call Dean before he had to take Jemma to rehearsal. Jemma's teacher sent home a note saying she wanted the class to practice at the school tonight, since the play was tomorrow.

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