You're Not A Monster

200 4 0

Word count: 2384

Warnings: self-hatred, physical assault


My hands are shaking wildly. How did this happen? I clench them into fists. How did this happen? They're still shaking. How did this happen?


"Jem, will you hand me the flour?"

"Sure thing, Dad."

I use my empath powers to float the flour over to him. He reaches for it absentmindedly. "Jemma!" he shouts as soon as he sees the floating bag of flour. I laugh. "Jemma, don't do that. You know I don't like you using your powers unless you have to."

I try to stop my laughter, but it only intensifies. All of a sudden, all of the plates and silverware sitting on the table fly off, clattering loudly to the floor. Dad whips around. I stare at the items scattered on the floor.

"Was that you?" Dad asks.

"I-I didn't—it wasn't—it wasn't on purpose," I stutter. I stand, hands starting to shake, nearly knocking over the bench. "It was an accident. I-I'm sorry."

The light bulbs above our heads shatter, glass falling in sharp shards. I let out a small yelp, covering my head with my arms. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to."

"Hey, hey, Jemma, breathe. Calm yourself down. It's okay. Are you hurt?"

I shake my head.

"Okay. It's okay. Why don't you go lie down for a little bit while I clean this up?"

I nod and back away from the mess I made. "I'm sorry, Dad."

Dad gives me a small smile. "I know you are. It was an accident, Sunshine. Just go get some rest."


"Hey, you," Dad says as he enters my room. "How you doing?"

I shrug. "I'm fine."

I'm lying. Last night, I made the sheets and blankets on my bed fly off, then I blew out the light. I can't control my powers. The worst part is, it feels kind of good when I do it.

"It's dark in here," he remarks.

"Yeah. I accidentally broke the lightbulb."


I nod. "I'm sorry, Dad. I-I just can't control it."

He looks up at the remaining part of the lightbulb. "Me and your uncle were going to check out a hunt two towns over. Maybe we should call someone else to handle it."

"No—Dad. I'll just come with you."

He nods. "Okay. Sounds like a plan. We're leaving in an hour."


I sigh as I slam the door of the Impala. I've been good today. My powers haven't acted up, and I haven't felt any urges. But I've been getting angry easily. It's starting to scare me.

We're interviewing the wife of the man who we think is infected by a Khan worm. He sucked the blood and marrow out of a man, then got away. We have to find him before he kills someone else. God, I hate Khan worms.

"You okay?" Dad asks and places a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine," I snap and shake his hand off.

"Hey." He grabs my shoulder and spins me around. "Breathe."

"I am breathing." Out of the corner of my eye, I see the lid of the house's mailbox open, then completely snap off. "Let's go."

Jemma Winchester One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now