Playtime Gone Wrong

158 3 1

Word count: 2162

I don't know if I can update next week bc school starts next Wednesday and my birthday is next Thursday wooo

This chapter was supposed to be pure fluff but then I didn't do that so.

Warnings: hospitals, stitches, guilt


September 9, 2009
10:39 am
Dean's POV

Dean was sitting in Bobby's kitchen, eating cereal. He glanced around at the carnage they had made last night.

Yesterday was Jemma's eighth birthday, and they had thrown her a little party, but they had gone a little overboard with gifts. There was tissue paper and wrapping paper strewn everywhere.

Dean had gotten her a dress up chest full of costumes. Jemma had spent the rest of her birthday in a police uniform.

Sam had gotten her some of the Junie B. Jones books, and Bobby had gotten her a few stuffed animals.

Bobby entered the kitchen. "Jemma still isn't up yet?" he asked.

Dean shrugged. "I haven't checked on her. She might've fallen into a sugar coma from all that cake."

Bobby chuckled. "How many pieces did she have? Two?"

"Three. Plus the ice cream and candy she had before that."

They laughed as a pair of heels clicked down the hallway and entered the kitchen. Jemma appeared, wearing fake plastic high heels, a blue princess gown, a plastic silver tiara, and carrying a wand with a big star on the end in one hand and a stuffed animal frog in the other.

"Well good morning, Princess," Dean said as she climbed up onto his lap.

"G'morning, Daddy."

"Bobby, will you get the princess some cereal?"

"Sure thing," Bobby said. Jemma giggled.

"So, you're a princess today?"

Jemma nodded. "I didn't see the dress yesterday 'cause it was at the bottom of the box."

"I see. Well, you look very pretty."

"Thank you."

"Who's this?" Dean asked and pointed to the stuffed frog Jemma was holding against her chest.

She held it out to him. "This is my prince. His name is Oliver, an' when I kiss him, he's gonna turn into a real prince."

"There will be no kissing of princes in my castle."

"Daddy," Jemma said, exasperated, "he's not really gonna turn into a real prince. It's just pretend."

"Ohhh, I see. But still, no kissing any princes. Got it?" Dean tickled her sides.

She giggled. "I got it."

"Oh, Princess Jemma," he heard Sam call from down the hall. "Where are you?"

Jemma gasped. "Daddy, you have to help me hide," she whispered.

"From Uncle Sam?"

She shook her head. "It's not Uncle Sam, it's a dragon, an' he's tryna kidnap me."

Dean mocked an expression of horror. "Oh no. Well let's go!"

Jemma clamored off of Dean's lap and ran for the den. "Behind the curtain," Dean suggested. Jemma nodded and concealed herself behind the drapes. Her head poked out.

Jemma Winchester One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now