Just Like You

267 7 1

June 28, 2009
1:09 pm

"I'm starving."

"Yeah, we should probably get some lunch. I'll go get Jemma." Dean stood and walked down the hall to Jemma's bedroom at Bobby's house. They were in between hunts, so they decided to stop by and visit. Bobby wasn't home, but he said they could stay there until they found another case. "Jemma? We're going to get lunch, Sun—" Dean stopped as he opened the door to her bedroom and smiled. Jemma stood in the middle of her bedroom, wearing one of Dean's flannels over her shirt and his boots on her feet. She grinned when he walked in. "What on earth is going on in here?"

"I'm you, Daddy!" Jemma exclaimed, throwing her hands out, one of which held a pen. Upon further inspection, Dean saw that Jemma had little dots on her nose and cheeks.

"You're me?"

"Yeah! See, I'm wearin' your shirt and your shoes!"

"I see that. Do I have little black dots on my face too?" he asked as he lifted her into his arms, his boots falling off her feet.

"They're your freckles, Daddy."

"Freckles? I don't have freckles."

"Oh yeah? Then what's that?" She pointed at a spot on his nose. "And that?" A spot on his cheek. "And that and that and that and that and that?"

"Alright," Dean chuckled. "I get it. I have freckles. Might I ask why you're dressed up as me?"

"I wanna be like you, Daddy!"

Dean was taken aback. "You want to be like me?"

"Yeah! I wanna be just like you!"

Dean smiled widely and kissed his daughter's cheek. "Well, mini-me, we are going out to lunch, and we might stop for ice cream after."

"Yeah! Let's go!"

"Okay, Sunshine. But first, you have to put on your clothes and wipe the pen off your face."

"It's not pen, it's my freckles."

"Whatever you say, Jem."


Dean lifted Jemma into his arms to examine the buckets of ice cream. "Which flavor do you want, Jemma?" he asked. He was planning on taking his daughter out for ice cream anyway since it was so hot outside.

"What one are you gettin', Daddy?"

"I was thinking of getting rocky road."

"Yeah, I want rocky road, too."

"Actually, I changed my mind. I'm getting cookie dough."

"Then I want cookie dough, too."

Dean smiled at Jemma's adamance to get the same flavor he was getting. "Two medium cookie dough ice creams and a banana smoothie, please," Dean told the girl behind the counter. She gave him the ice cream cones and Sam the smoothie, and they were back in the car.

"I can't believe you got a smoothie."

Sam rolled his eyes. "You're going to give yourself and your kid diabetes if you don't stop eating all that crap."

Dean pulled out of the ice cream shop parking lot. "It's not crap if it tastes good. Right, Jemma?"

"Right!" Jemma piped up from the backseat.

Sam shot him a bitchface. "You've brainwashed your child."

"I did no such thing. She's just like me—"

"Son of a bitch!"

Dean's eyes widened as the words reached his ears. He had to stop himself from swerving in front of the car heading in the opposite direction. He glanced in the rear view mirror at Jemma. She held her ice cream cone, but the ice cream had fallen off onto the seat beside her.

"Jemma," Dean said calmly. "What did you just say?"

"Son of a bitch," Jemma repeated with no remorse.

"Why did you say that?"

"You say it all the time, Daddy, and I wanna be like you. An' my ice cream fell off my cone."

Sam gave Dean an 'I told you so' look. "Right, well, Sunshine, I know you want to be just like me, but sometimes Daddy says things he shouldn't say in front of you."

"Like 'son of a bitch'?"


"Oh. Okay."

Beside Dean, Sam was visibly holding in laughter. "Shut up, Sam."

"You're right: she is just like you."


It was now ten o'clock at night, and Dean could not get his daughter to bed.

"Jemma, come on, Sunshine, put your pajamas on."

"No!" Jemma dodged Dean's attempt to snatch her. "If you're not goin' to bed, I'm not goin' to bed."

"I am going to bed after I put you to bed."

"Then how come you aren't wearin' your jammies?"

"Because—" he broke off as Jemma giggled. Dean was at his wit's end. This game they were playing was cute at first, but that part was over. Now Dean was mad. "Jemma!" he shouted. "Enough is enough! Get your pajamas on and get into bed right now!"

Jemma froze, turning to Dean. He could already see tears in her eyes. He realized that he had made a huge mistake, yelling at her like that. "Jem—" Before he could finish, Jemma darted out of the room and disappeared. Dean sighed. He shouldn't have yelled at her. All the progress they had made since Jemma came to them had been undone. She wanted to be like Dean. Why couldn't he just humor her?

He turned and walked down the hall toward the living room. He stopped when he heard Jemma crying and Sam trying to calm her down. His guilt only grew. Dean stuck his head around the corner and caught Sam's eye. Sam held Jemma in his arms, and was rubbing her back and shifting from foot to foot. Jemma had her arms around Sam's neck, her face buried in the crook of his neck. Sam shook his head at Dean; Dean stepped back, out of sight of his brother and daughter.

He should give her time to calm down. Returning to his own bedroom, he tried to find something to distract him for the time being.

Nothing was working. Not TV or a book or anything. He considered going for a drive, but he wanted to stay at the house. Finally, he had had enough. Dean walked back out to the den where Sam and Jemma were. Now, they were sitting on the couch, Jemma on Sam's lap, still with her arms around his neck. "Jemma?" Dean said quietly as he approached the couch. "Can I talk to you?"

Jemma lifted her head up and glanced at Dean, still holding onto Sam. Her eyes were red, and she sniffled. She looked up at Sam, who nodded. Jemma looked back at Dean and nodded.

"I'm sorry, Sunshine. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I was just frustrated. I'm so sorry."

Jemma wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "You scared me," she whimpered.

Dean's heart broke. "I'm sorry, Jemma. I'm so sorry. I never wanted to scare you. Do you forgive me?"

Jemma paused and sniffled. "Yes."

"You do?"


"Thank you, Jemma. Can I have a hug?"

Jemma gave him a small smile and leaned forward into Dean's open arms. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, Jemma. So much. Do you still want to be like me?"

"Yeah, I still wanna be like you. 'Cause you're a hero."

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