First Day of Work

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Hello all.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to update the next chapter of Losing May I'm pretty sure I'll have it done by Monday.

Basically this chapter is Jemma's first day of work as a doctor

Warnings: death of a parent, hospitals, broken bones, stitches

Word count: 4089 (s a long one)


March 20, 2027
5:30 am

I groan as my alarm clock goes off, but stop as I remember what today is. It's my first day of my surgical internship at St. Agnes Memorial Hospital. I sit up, now excited to start the day. I quickly get dressed and do my hair and brush my teeth, wanting to get to the hospital as soon as possible. I run to the kitchen, grab a granola bar, and start to head for my car when a voice stops me.

"Hey, hey, hey, where do you think you're going?" Dad asks, smiling.

"I want to get to the hospital so I can, y'know, pick my locker, walk around, get a feel for the place."

"You don't have to be there till 7. It's 6:00. Let me make you breakfast."

I sigh. "Okay. What are you doing up this early anyway?" Dad is still wearing his robe and slippers, his hair a mess.

"Wanted to see you off on your first day of work. And... I got something for you."

"Dad, you didn't have to get me anything."

His smile spreads as he places a nearly flat, long box on the table in front of me. "Come on, open it!"

I laugh and undo the bow, then lift the lid off the box. I gasp as I hold up the gift. "Dad, it's just what I need!" It's a shiny new blue stethoscope. The stethoscope I have now doesn't work very well.

"Look on the back."

I turn the metal piece on the end over. "JW" is engraved on the back. "Dad, oh my God. I love it. Thank you." I reach across the table and hug him.

"You're welcome, Sunshine. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, Dad. Well, I should get going. I'm meeting Raine at the hospital."

"Okay. Tell her I said hi."

"I will."

"I love you, Jemma." Dad pulls me in for a hug.

"I love you too, Dad."

"Kick ass and take names, alright? Be the best goddamn surgeon there ever was."

I laugh. "I will."

The fifteen minute drive to the hospital goes by fast, and suddenly, I'm standing in the intern locker room, wearing blue scrubs, my white coat, and my stethoscope around my neck. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Hey, chica."

I smile as I turn in Raine's arms. She looks so official in her teal scrubs and white coat. Raine is specializing in psychiatry, not surgery like me. "What are you doing down here? Psych's on the fifth floor."

She shrugs. "Wanted to see my girlfriend before she goes kick ass in surgery."

"I told you, I won't be in any surgeries today."

"Yes, Doctor," she breathes.

"You are too much." I lace my arms around her neck and kiss her.

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