Ex's Revenge

158 6 0

Word count: 4825

I totally forgot it was Thursday my bad.

So this chapter deals with a lot of sensitive and triggering content, so please do not read this if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Warnings: rape, sexual assault


I laugh as I place my card face-down on the pile. "Gin!"

Dad groans and throws his cards down. "Again? That's the third time in a row you've won."

I shrug. "I guess I'm just good. Or you're letting me win."

"I'm not letting you win. You want another root beer?"

"Yes please."

Dad scoffs as he stands. "Letting you win. Come on, Jemma."

I laugh again as my phone rings. I don't recognize the number. "Hello?"

"Hi, Jemma."

My blood runs cold. It's Wyatt. "Don't call me ever again."

"Wait! Wait. I'm not calling you to get you back."

"Then what the hell do you want?" I demand.

"Lily really misses you. She asks about you all the time. I told her I would try to get you to come see her, and we're on a hunt a couple towns over, so... I don't know. I figured you could meet up with us."



"Meet up with her, not us."

"Right. So?"

I sigh deeply. "I'll do it."

"Perfect. We're in Kensington. I'll text you the address of the diner. Does tomorrow work for you?"


"Okay. Bye."


I hang up just as Dad comes back into the library, carrying a can of root beer and a bottle of beer. "Who was on the phone?"


Dad nearly drops our drinks. "Wyatt? Like, cheating ex-boyfriend Wyatt?"

I nod.

"What did he want?"

"He says Lily misses me and asked me if I could come see her for a little bit. They're over in Kensington on a hunt."

"And what did you say?"

"I said I would go," I answer quietly.


"I know I'm stupid for saying yes, but it's Lily. Not him."

Dad sighs. "Sunshine... he broke your heart."

"Trust me, you don't have to remind me."

"Hey." Dad lays his hands on my shoulders. "You can go. I just—I don't want you to see him and feel all of the things you felt when he broke up with you."

"I won't. Besides, I have Raine. I know Wyatt was wrong when he said all those things about me."

Dad gives me a small smile and kisses my forehead. "That's my girl."

"Can we keep playing gin? I'm really loving this winning streak."

"Oh, you're on."


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