
175 5 0

Word count: 1948

I'm sorry for the hiatus. Life's been crazy.


April 20, 2014
7:58 pm

I'm really hungry. I couldn't find anything to eat for lunch, and I don't think Dad plans on making dinner. I would ask Uncle Sam to make me something, but he's out of town right now.

I shuffle to the library. Dad is sitting at the table.


"Yes?" he says, but doesn't turn around.

"I'm hungry."

"So get something to eat."

"Dad, it's almost eight. It's time for dinner."

"Aren't you old enough to make dinner yourself?"

"I am, but I don't know how to make anything."

Dad sighs. "Jemma, I don't have time for this right now. I'll make you something later."

"Okay." I retreat to my bedroom. He hasn't been the same since he got the Mark of Cain. He's been... agitated.

I sigh defeatedly as I plop down on my bed. He's only been agitated with me. I can tell. He's been getting more annoyed with me even before he got the Mark.

I stand, my legs wobbling. Uncle Sam has been really distancing himself from me, too.

I grab my backpack without thinking. Maybe I should just leave. They obviously don't want me here.

I sneak past the library into the kitchen. I pack up enough food to get me through at least three days. When I enter the library to tell Dad I'm going to bed, he's not there.

I climb the stairs to the front door slowly. Am I really going to do this?

I open the door. The sun has just set. I step outside and close the door behind me.


I've been walking for twelve hours. I'm cold, and I'm tired.

I find the nearest park bench and collapse onto it, pulling out my phone. No missed calls or texts from my father. In fact, there's nothing.

I can't do this much longer. I have to find someplace to say.

I hesitantly dial a number.


"Jody? It's Jemma."

"Hi, sweetheart! How are you?"

"Um, I need help."

"Are you okay? Jemma, where's your dad?"

"Please, Jody, I need help. I... I ran away."

"You ran away?"

"Yes. Can you come pick me up?"


"Please. I won't stay long. Just please don't tell my dad."

Jody sighs. "Okay. Where are you?"

"Just inside the Nebraska border."

"You walked all the way to Nebraska?"


"Okay. Just stay where you are. I'll be there as soon as I can."


Six hours later, Jody's truck comes down the road. I stand and wave, and she pulls over. I get into the passenger seat.

"Hi, Jody."

Jemma Winchester One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now