Princess Jemma Part 2

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Hello all.

Y'all this is my most favorite chapter ever. It's a continuation of that one chapter where Gabriel transported Jemma into an alternate universe where she was royalty. This is basically just the Winchesters as royalty + some familiar faces.

Warnings: kidnapping

Word count: 3594



Princess Jemma Arabella of Lawrence sat in the library with her tutor. She was dreadfully bored, learning Latin and French and arithmetic all day. The large oak door to the library opened, and her father's head of the Round Table, Castiel, entered. He bowed slightly as he approached the table.

"Your Highness, your father wishes to speak with you in the throne room," he said.

Jemma stood. "Of course. I will be back shortly," she told her tutor. Her tutor bowed her head.

She followed Castiel out of the library and down the wide halls of the castle. It took them no more than three minutes to reach the throne room.

Her father stood from his throne as they entered the room. "Thank you, Castiel." Castiel bowed and left the room. Her father smiled. "How are your studies going this afternoon?"

"Fine, I guess. Why must I learn French as well as Latin? I understand why I have to know Latin, but no one in Lawrence or the surrounding kingdoms speaks only French. I don't—"

Jemma stopped as her father laughed. "Always curious, aren't you?"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Not necessarily." Her father's expression turned serious. "I must talk to you about something that is very important. It will effect the fate of our kingdom and all others."

"Yes, Father?"

"You know there have been some... tensions between Lawrence and Infernum, yes?"

Infernum. The kingdom ruled by King Crowley and Queen Abaddon that was right next to theirs. They had that son, Prince Dillon. It had been two years since she had met that awful boy. Her father and his father had made arrangements over the past two years, disguised as meetings, but they were really only to force Jemma and Dillon together. He liked her, but she did not feel the same way.

Lawrence and Infernum were very different from each other. Their people did not get along with Infernum's people. Crime and prostitution ran rampant in the streets of Infernum. It was starting to leak into Lawrence, and her father was not happy about that.

"Yes, I know."

"King Crowley and I have come to an agreement." Her father stopped to take a deep breath. "You and Prince Dillon will marry, thus ensuring the safety of and strengthening the bond between Lawrence and Infernum."

Jemma shook her head. "I will not marry that awful boy! I don't like him, Father!"

"You will marry him," her father said steadily.

"I'm only fifteen! Father, please!"

"Your mother was fifteen when we wed. She was sixteen when she had you."

"That's different. You loved each other!"

"Jemma, I will not argue with you. You will marry Prince Dillon."

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