Monsters Under the Bed

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So this is the surprise. I just missed writing Jemma so much and I have so many ideas that wouldn't really work with May, so I just decided to start a new book!

So yeah. Every Thursday, 3 pm EST.

Feel free to check out my other book, Finding May, which updates every Monday, 3 pm EST



April 17, 2010
9:49 pm

Dean sighed as he lifted the sleeping body of his daughter out of the Impala. He smiled a little as she instinctively put her arms around his neck and laid her head against his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm gonna see if they had any food at that gas station we passed on the way here," Sam said and handed Dean the motel room key. Dean nodded and unlocked the room carefully, trying not to wake Jemma. His efforts were futile; as soon as Sam started the Impala again, Jemma stirred and lifted her head. Her sleepy eyes met Dean's, her hair a little messy.

"Hey, Sunshine," Dean said softly and set their duffel bags on the table, still carrying Jemma. "You tired?"

Jemma shook her head, wiping clumsily at her eyes. "'M not tired. Where are we?" she asked.

"We are in Montana."

"Montana?" Jemma repeated.

Dean nodded. They were hunting a tulpa, and Bobby couldn't watch Jemma because he was busy, so she had to come with them.

"Well, tough girl, if you're not tired, why don't you help me do some research?"

Jemma was quiet. "Okay, I lied, I'm tired."

Dean chuckled. "Let's get your pajamas on, then you can go to sleep."

Dean helped his eight-year-old daughter into her pajamas, then held up the sheets for her to crawl under. He kissed her forehead, bid her goodnight, then turned toward the table to start researching. He had been researching for no more than five minutes when Jemma spoke. "Daddy?"

Dean turned to his daughter, who was sitting upright in the motel bed. "Yeah, Sunshine?"

"Will you check for monsters?"

Dean turned his head to the side. Jemma should've grown out of the "Check-for-Monsters-Under-the-Bed" phase by now, but he guessed her mother was never there to check for her, and she knew that monsters actually existed. "Jemma, there's no monsters. I promise."

"Please, Daddy? I'm scared."

Dean's heart ached a little. He tried so hard to keep Jemma out of the hunting life, but sometimes it was inevitable. He thought back to the last time he and Sam had returned to Bobby's house after a hunt to pick Jemma up. They were both beaten all to hell and bleeding everywhere. It must've scared her.

"Alright, Sunshine." He stood up from his chair.

"You have to check in the closet first." She pointed to the little linen closet next to the bathroom.

"Jem, there's no monsters in the closet. We just got here."

"That doesn't mean they weren't in there before we got here," Jemma said, crossing her arms. Dean couldn't help but smile at his daughter's retort.

Dean crossed the room and opened the linen closet door, gesturing inside to show Jemma there wasn't anything in it. "See? No monsters."

He was about to sit back down when Jemma protested. "Daddy, you didn't check under the bed."

"How could I forget to check under the bed?" Dean crouched down, a smile spreading across his face as an idea formed in his mind. He shot back up on his knees, feigning surprise and horror and gasped. "There is a monster under there."

"There is?" Jemma clutched the comforter to her chest, her eyes wide with terror. "Get rid of it!"

"Oh, yes, there is a horrible monster under your bed. The most horrible monster to ever exist. It's... It's... the tickle monster!" Dean jumped up onto the bed, tickling his daughter's sides, armpits, neck, anything that was exposed. Jemma shrieked as Dean tickled her mercilessly, laughing until there wasn't any noise coming out of her mouth. "Ahh, he's gonna get you!"

"Daddy! Daddy, stop! I can't breathe!" Jemma gasped. Dean stopped and smiled down at his out of breath daughter, tangled up in the bedsheets. "You played a trick on me!" She pointed an accusing finger at Dean. "Now the tickle monster has to get you!"

Dean barely had time to respond before Jemma launched herself at him, tickling his neck. Dean let her think she was winning, let her tackle him and tickle him mercilessly. After a little bit, Dean lifted her off of him with ease. "Okay, okay, it's time for bed."

"Okay," Jemma replied and got back underneath the sheets. Dean looked down at his daughter as she settled herself into bed. He still couldn't believe he was the father of this little girl that brought him so much joy. She looked back at him and frowned.

"What are you lookin' at?"

Dean smiled. "Hey, settle down there, sassypants, or else the tickle monster will have to come back and pay you a visit."

"No! No more tickle monster!"

Dean moved and sat down on the edge of the bed. "You know Daddy would never let a monster near you, right?"

Jemma's smile disappeared as she nodded. "Yeah."

"Daddy will always be around to check for monsters under the bed whenever you ask and keep you safe, 'cause that's his job, and it's the best job in the whole world."

"Hunting monsters is the best job in the whole world?"

"No, silly goose, being your dad is the best job in the whole world."

Jemma smiled. "Really?"

Dean nodded. "Really."

"Well, I think you're the best at being my dad."

"Thank you, Sunshine." Dean leaned down to kiss Jemma's forehead as she yawned. "I think now it's time for bed, don't you?"

Jemma nodded. "Goodnight, Daddy."

"Goodnight, Sunshine."

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