Bath Time

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I feel kinda meh about the end of this one shot I just wasn't really sure how to end it.

Word count: 1200


February 5, 2009
4:32 pm

Dean watched as his daughter ran and jumped into another mud puddle. The snow had melted in Sioux Falls, and had created a wonderland of mud and floods, which Dean found annoying, but his daughter, on the other hand, found enthralling.

The mud splashed against her rain boots and jeans, and she laughed. Dean smiled. It warmed his heart to see Jemma so carefree and happy. "Daddy!" she called. "Come push me on the swing!"

The swing set Bobby had bought Jemma was nestled in between the house and a small shack. Jemma ran up and grabbed Dean's hand, dragging him behind her. "I'm coming, I'm coming, calm down."

"Higher, Daddy, higher!"

Dean didn't want to push her too high, for fear of her falling or something like that. "I'm trying, Sunshine."

"I'm gonna jump off!"

"Wait, Jem—!"

Before Dean could do anything to stop her, Jemma leapt off the swing, landing in the largest mud puddle that could have very well been mistaken for a small pond. She slipped and fell, effectively covering herself in mud. Dean froze as Jemma got to her feet.

"Jemma? Are you alright?"

Jemma examined herself, holding her arms out in front of her. "That was awesome! I wanna do it again!"

"Not so fast, Daredevil. It's getting dark out; let's get you inside and in the tub."

"Yes! Bath time!" Dean tried to keep up with Jemma as she scampered around the side of the house, flinging open the front door.

"Hey, hey, hey! Stop right there! I don't want you tracking mud through the house."

Jemma stopped just short of the mud room, and let Dean scoop her into his arms. She wiped her hand on her cheek, leaving a streak of mud behind. "You know what's in mud, don't you?" Dean asked, a smile playing at his lips.

Jemma frowned. "What's in the mud?"



"Yes, cooties that love little girls named Jemma. Wanna know why? 'Cause they know she's very ticklish." Dean attacked Jemma's sides and armpits, her feet and her neck, tickling her until there was no sound coming out of her mouth.

"Daddy, stop! I wanna get in the bath! Get these cooties off'a me!"

Dean stopped tickling her as they reached the bathroom. He set Jemma down in front of the tub and turned on the water. "Is the water good?"

Jemma stuck her hand under the faucet and nodded. "It's just right."

"Alright, I'll go get a towel, and you hop in."

"Wait! Will you get the bubbles and the color pills?"

The color pills, as Jemma called them, were little tablets that changed the color of the bath water. "Bubbles and the color pills? You are one crazy, wild girl today."

Dean returned two minutes later with a towel and a bottle of bubbles and the "color pills". Jemma sat in the bath, splashing around.

"Which color shall the bath be today, my dearest child?" Dean asked with a mock British accent.

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