You Look Familiar Part 2

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Word count: 4416 (it's a long one folks)

Ok ok I've been thinking about doing a part 3 for this so comment or vote if you want a part 3


December 25, 2017
6:12 am
Clarke Residence, Phoenix, Arizona

"Annie. Annie, wake up!"

Annalise Clarke groaned. "Kaiya, what time is it?"

"Time to wake up! It's Christmas!"

She rolled over and opened her eyes, giving her little sister a small smile. Kaiya sat on top of Annalise, her black hair mussed up.

"Come on! We gotta wake up Ayo 'n Mummy 'n Daddy!"

Annalise slid out of bed and followed Kaiya down the hall to her younger brother's bedroom. Kaiya was already on top of Ayo, shaking his shoulder.

"Ayo, wake up!"

Ayo opened his eyes, a grin spreading across his face. "What time is it?"

"Early," Annalise answered.

"Come on, come on!" Kaiya dragged Ayo out of bed by his arm. She scuttled out of the room toward their parents' bedroom. Annalise swung an arm over her brother's shoulder.

"Merry Christmas, Ayo."

"Merry Christmas, Annalise."

The siblings caught up to Kaiya just as she climbed onto Rebecca and William's bed. Annalise and Ayo joined their sister on the bed.

"Mummy, Daddy, wake up! It's Christmas!"

Rebecca and William rolled over and smiled at their children.

"Kaiya, did you wake your siblings up?" Rebecca asked.

Kaiya giggled. "I couldn't help it, Mummy. I got so excited! Come on! We gotta see what Santa brought us!"

The family of five walked down the stairs. Kaiya bolted for the Christmas tree, which was surrounded with presents. "Mummy, look!"

"I see, honey, I see."

Annalise, William, and Rebecca collapsed onto the couch as Ayo and Kaiya rummaged through the presents. Annalise leaned into her father's side, and he kissed the top of her head.

"Merry Christmas, Poppet."

"Merry Christmas, Dad."

December 25, 2017
8:36 am
Men of Letters Bunker, Lebanon, Kansas

Dean sighed as he clicked on another adoption case. He had been trying to push Annalise Clarke, the girl from a werewolf case in Phoenix, out of his head for the past six months, but she was indescribably familiar, and he intended to find out why.

Annalise told him that she was from St. Louis, and Dean could not believe how many newborn girls were given up for adoption in the month of September in one city.

September eighth, that was her birthday. He figured if he knew the circumstances around her adoption, he might figure out how he knew her.

DOB: 9/9

Nope. He clicked on the next one.

DOB: 9/7

No. Next one.

DOB: 9/8

Dean sat up straighter.

Adopted by: Lucille Adams and David Harrison

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