Goddess 40.4: Another Beginning

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Hello everybody~! I would like to say thank you once again for really liking the book. I never expected this book to grow. 

This is an extra chapter within chapter 40. The previous chapter was not in detailed because I intended not to.


*Kimiko's PoV*

Weeks passed after the war, everything went back to normal. It still hurts every time I see my friends from the glass orb. I wanted to hug them but I can't return back. The forbidden jutsu was indeed powerful that it won't let me enter their world for years. Who knows when I can return in their world.

I also miss Gaara and his rare smile. I'll never see that again. Within the week, he looks so tired and was always on top of the Hokage Mountains. He would always sit by the cliff and enjoy the view. Naruto sees him sometimes. They would talk about me and how Gaara misses me so much. So did Naruto.

They built a shrine for me just to commemorate on how I ended the war. My shrine was built in each villages. My shrine in Konoha stood in the middle of the village. It's just a stone tablet with my picture on it. Different flowers are placed around it but people would add more. They remove the withered ones and place new and fresh flowers. 

My team are always in the training grounds where we first had the bell test. Sasuke return home but is placed under custody. Itachi was back with Sasuke too and they are currently living in their old home. He's back as an Anbu and was place in a team of 3, him being the captain.

Obito was back in Konoha as well. Kakashi sensei is glad to have his friend back. Obito realize a lot of things and actually let Rin entered his thoughts. He's okay and is back to being a shinobi of Konoha.

Neji was revived and was brought back to their household. Hinata explained to him what happened during the war and Neji is thankful that I brought him back to life.

Ino and Shikamaru's father are alive too. They cried as they saw their fathers waiting at the gates of Konoha.

I would always sit on the sofa and watch them. Everyone is happy. So am I.

Who would've thought the end of the war will be this? Their world is finally at peace. No rogue ninjas lurking around the forest. Just shinobis greeting one another as they pass by. Missions were all down to D rank.

My thoughts were interrupted when the 9 bijuus entered our house with a stupid expression. Well, they always look like that and I'm used to it.

"What brings you here?" I asked.

"Let's walk around, Kimi-sama!" Chomei exclaimed while flying around. "We've never wander around the Land of Heavens ever since we started training."

"Sure. It's been a while too." I stood up and close the glass orb. Mom and Dad are on the kingdom while Akura is missing in action.

We entered the town seeing lots of familiar faces. 

"Kimiko!" A girl with short brown hair wave her hands in my direction. 

"Rin-chan!" I run up to her and give her a big hug. 

"How are you?" She asked as we release the hug.

"Doing better." I answered. "Still missing my friends but at least I can see them from the glass orb."

"I'm glad your okay." She gave me a close eyed smile. We walk on the streets of the Land of Heavens with the Bijuus at our back. 

"I still didn't expect that Kakashi-kun likes you as you are." She suddenly spoke making me laugh softly.

"Indeed. I like him too back then but it faded away after I left the village and train under Gaara." I blush while saying the name of the Kazekage. 

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