Guardian 20: A Love That is Forbidden

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*Kimiko's POV*

After my lunch with sensei, I went to the training grounds to relax a bit. Going back to the house is plainly boring and dark.

I sat on a tall stump where Naruto has been place when we first did the test. I cross my legs and close my eyes.

"Mommy! Daddy!!" I run through the clouds and hug the both of them.

"Kimiko! Oh, I miss you so much!! You've been away more than a month." Mom said hugging me back.

"So how's life in Chuunin Exams?" Dad asked.

"Dad, I know you watch me below and you know how's life." A chuckle escape from Dad's lips.

"So.." I look at mom with her arms crossed. "You have a crush on that Hatake do you?"

I blush madly crossing my arms. Dad turns into a serious one. Mom as well..

"Uhm.. No.." I said twiddling my fingers.

"Kimiko Kamegami.." Mom said slowly yet scary.

"Alright!! I like him!!" I blush. They both sighed shaking their hands.

"Kimiko, you know it's forbidden. He's a human and you're a goddess!!" Dad said calmly. I kept quiet.

"But I'm a human as well..." I said quietly.

"He's a mortal and you know that according to our rule book. You can't love a mortal person! Kimiko, even it's a crush, there will be still a chance that you'll fell in love." Dad said.

"Also, he's your sensei and your're only 12. He's like 25 or 26. That's a huge gap... And it's forbidden to have a student/sensei relationship." Mom added.

"I know... I know it's bad.." I said softly tears esape from my eyes.. Mom's emotions saddened. She hug me gently as I cried softly in her warm arms.

"Hush, sweetie. I know it's hard but you have to fight for it." Mom whispered softly. I release from the hug and look at them.

"Mom, Dad?"

"Yes, honey?"

"If things goes worst with Kakashi sensei, can I go back and rest for 3 years?"




I walk to the Hokage's office. It's past 6:00 but I know he's still in his office. I wanted to tell the Hokage about sensei. I trusted Hokage-sama of course.

I knock on the door softly. I heard his voice so I entered.

"Kimiko-sama! Is there anything wrong?" He asked. I walk towards his table.

"Hokage-sama.. I want to tell you something." I said slowly.

"Hmm, what is it?" He asked. I twiddled my fingers taking a deep breath.

"Please don't tell anyone especially to him.." I said. He chuckled.

"So someone you like I guess." I nodded nervously.

"So who is this lucky guy?" He asked.

"K-Kakashi." I said closing my eyes. I opened my eyes for a few seconds seeing him staring at me with a smile on his face.

"I see.."

"Hokage-sama.. It's forbidden!!" I said pacing back and fourth.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't love a mortal person like him! Plus the student/sensei relationship and he's way too older for me!" I said starting to panic. He nodded getting my point.

"So a goddess can't love a mortal person? Why?" He asked.

"It's according to our rule book. " I said softly.

"But what if you can't control your feelings anymore?" He asked interested.

"I'll be going back with my mom and dad and go rest for 3 years." I said.

"Rest? 3 years? How's that possible?" He asked.

"It's like keeping myself calm and to refresh my mind."

"But why 3 years?"

"Instincts." I reasoned. He just nodded but still curious what am I talking about.

"I don't why 3 years but I got some feeling about something." I explained.

"So you'll not accomplish your work if something goes wrong with you and Kakashi." I nodded crossing my arms.

"I just don't know how to prevent those." I said in a soft voice.

"You can't prevent the feelings you have, you have to fight for it." I sat down on Hokage-sama's desk since there are no chairs around. I was sitting on a desk, facing Hokage-sama, with my arms crossed.

"I don't know what to do. I'm now scared to like him right now." I honestly said. I don't like it if anything goes wrong just because it is my fault.

There's a knock on the door. I stayed on my place looking at the moon shining bright.

"Come in." Hokage-sama grumbled. The door entered feeling a familiar chakra entering the room.

"Hokage-sama, have you seen Kimi-" Kakashi sensei stopped when he saw me. I jump beside Hokage-sama looking at him. I felt uneasy this time.

"W-What is it sensei?" I asked feeling uncomfortable right now. Hokage-sama seems to feel my uneasiness.

"Kakashi, may you leave Kimiko for a while? She's not feeling well today." Hokage-sama said. Sensei's eyes are filled with worry.

"Are you alright, Kimiko?" He asked.

"I just need rest that's all." I said softly not giving any eye contacts to sensei. He just nodded leaving the room. I sighed in relief thanking Hokage-sama.

"Kimiko, why don't you meditate for a while? It could refresh your mind." He suggested. He's right..

"Yeah.. I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow." I said hugging him gently jumping on the window.




Chapter 20 done!! Finally!! We're down to 20 chapters!! Hope this book will last long...

Chapter 21 will be posted uh... tomorrow!!

See ya~!

With love,


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