Goddess 11: Akura Kamegami

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*Kimiko's PoV*

I stared at Akura intently knowing he can escape this jutsu easily. 

"I'm sorry Kimi-chan." He pouted. "But I need to stall you." 

He easily disperse the shadow below them and attack me. I dodge his first attack as I grab his wrist and teleport us from a hill where we can see the fight below.

"I'm not planning on fighting them." I chuckled. "I just wanted that these people are safe."

"And I thought you're gonna interrupt them." He said as we sat on the ground. We are in good terms even if he is on the evil side. I've been through worst like Shukaku, Son Goku, and Kurama. Akura is a good guy even he's known to be the God of Evil and Darkness.

Akura is a year older than me. He's the same age as Naruto and the rest.

"We both know we can easily kill the people below us if we can." I said. "Why are you with the akatsuki by the way?"

"Uncle Eiji sent me to this mission not long ago. He wants me to gather some information about the Akatsuki." He answered. I just nodded my head as an answer. "By the way, how's training?"

"So far so good." I replied. "Today's my last day of resting. I'm going to train with Tabi-chan tomorrow."

"That's nice. You're getting stronger day by day. But I'm still stronger than you." An irk mark appeared on my forehead. I slap him on the head making him wince in pain.

"Should I be the one doing that to you since I'm the God of Evil?"

"What? Hurting your friend is already evil?"

"It is!" He exclaimed.

"Wait, did the akatsuki know you're identity?" I asked.

"Nope. They don't know." He answered popping the p. "I guess yours too?"

"The Hokage and the trainers knew what's going on with me." I answered. "They'll know soon anyway."

"Kimiko, the great hero of the ninja world." He sarcastically said. "Everyone is expecting for your success since you failed a guarding mission."

"Yeah, right. It's Sasuke's own will to leave the village." I cross my arms. We didn't even watch the fight below us because we are too busy catching up to one another.

"Look at your fellow akatsukis." I said while pointing the two guys. "They're fighting hard huh."

"Won't you look at your comrades? They're dying." He mimic my voice. "They're doing their best huh."

"Stop copying me!" I grunted.

"Stop copying me!" I smack him on the head. He smack me also. I stood up feeling irritated. He stood up as well giving me a teasing smirk.

I know what he wants.

"You should've properly ask for a fight." Before he could answer, I knock him with my wind. He fell to the ground making me giggle.

"You look good there." He glared at me.

Now he's serious.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu." He threw a huge fireball towards my direction. I can only use wind at the moment. There is no water source around us.

"Wind style: Twin tornadoes." Two tornadoes absorb the fire making the both jutsus disperse. Akura charge at me as we went crazy with taijutsu, my weakest point. 

I hiss in pain when he punch me on my arm. 

"Ow! Hot!" I wince looking at my burnt arm. What an evil god...

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