Guardian 27: Itachi and Kisame

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*Kimiko's PoV*

I walk around Konoha. It's past 7 in the morning and I wanted to by sushi for my breakfast. I skip all the way through my favorite tea shop when I saw Kakashi-sensei leaning by the post.

Why do I feel like some evil sort of thing is lurking around this place.

Never mind.

"Good morning, Kakashi-sensei!" I greeted with a smile on my face.

"Good morning, Kimiko." He greeted me back.

"What brings you here?"  I asked.

"I'm waiting for Sasuke." Sensei answered. I heard my stomach rumble making Kakashi-sensei chuckle.

"I have to go get breakfast." I excuse myself entering the tea shop

. My eyes narrowed at the two anonymous people with a black cloak and a straw hat.

Hmm... I've seen this somewhere..

I sat on a table not far from them waiting for my order. I secretly stare at them.

Is this the feeling that I felt just now? I think it's coming from them.

The aura surrounding them is dark. They are evil. I could sense it. 

After eating, I walk out of the restaurant to be greeted by Sasuke.

"Hey Sasuke." I wave at him. He nodded as a sign of response. That's Sasuke everyone. 

"Kurenai-sensei, Asuma-sensei!" I gave them my cutest smile.

"Hello there Kimiko!" Kurenai-sensei pinch my cheeks. "You're so cute! I want to take you home!"

I giggled. How I wish Asuma-sensei and Kurenai-sensei's child will be like me. 

I look back to where the two anonymous guys are. But they're gone. I look over the three senseis and they seem to know what's happening. In a flash, Kurenai-sensei and Asuma-sensei disappeared leaving Sasuke, me, and Kakashi-sensei.

I knew it.

There is definitely wrong in them.

Should I follow? 

Guess I should.


I followed Kakashi-sensei through the boundaries of Konoha. I hid by the trees watching the fight in front of me.

Isn't that Sasuke's brother?

And that shark guy..

Why do I forget such important things now!?

Stupid Kimiko forgets things easily!

Ah! I remember!

The shark guy is Kisame Hoshigaki and Sasuke's brother is Itachi. They have this organization so called akatsuki! 

You're so smart Kimiko!

I watch the fight in front of me. I was amaze at the same time worried. I'm amaze how ninjas fight like I can't pick up a good fight like this! They are so good! I wanted to be like them someday. I wanted to be a jounin aside from being a goddess. Maybe that could be my part time job. Part time ninja. Heh.

But I'm worried for Asuma-sensei, Kurenai-sensei, and Kakashi-sensei. It might be an advantage that they are three but Itachi and Kisame are both S rank ninjas. These akatsukis can do better than them. They might get hurt so bad. And I don't want that.

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