Goddess 27: Team 7

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To be honest, I was planning to stop writing after I finish my last two books but it feels like I wanted to write more Naruto stuffs or probably other anime fanfics. I dunno. 

Months ago, I was planning to stop writing because of school and such. As I continued to write, it makes me think what why would I stop if this is my passion? To write and have fun?

Meh.. Nvm lol


*Kimiko's PoV*

"Kimiko, are you coming with us?" Temari asked.

"I'll stay with them for now." I answered referring to Naruto and the senseis. 

"But what about your training?" 

"Go-chan can wait." I giggled softly. "Besides, I'm about to finish my training soon enough. I just need to get.... Something."

"I see. Take care, Kimiko." I smiled at Gaara before giving him a hug. 

"You're the one who needs to take care of yourself. You're probably stressed out with the upcoming war plus your works while I just train and travel that's all." I release the hug.

"Do I get a hug?" I laugh at Kankuro and gave him a hug. As well as Temari.

"See you when I see you." I bid farewell.

"So what should we do now?" Yamato sensei asked. "I think our first priority should be getting back to Konoha and telling about the summit. But there's Sakura to think about too."

"I'll be with Sakura." Sai volunteered. "I won't let her get near to Sasuke. So just rest easy."

"But we still ought to go after her and convince her to turn back." Kakashi sensei said. She's going after Sasuke? What is she planning to do? Kill him?

No, impossible.

"I'll go with Sai." I said. Kakashi sensei seems fine about it.

"All right. Yamato, I want you and Naruto to head back to Konoha. I'm going after Sakura. There's no way she can beat Sasuke. She's just going to her death."

Wait.. So I was right...

"I'll send the dogs on ahead with the news of the summit. We have to hurry. Sai, I want you to lead us to Sakura."

I notice Naruto looks so down right now. My heart dropped knowing Naruto's being all over places just to return Sasuke back to Konoha.

He suddenly fell to the ground gasping for air.

"He's hyperventilating!" I exclaimed rushing to his side. "We need to bring him back inside."

Yamato sensei carried Naruto and place him on a Futon.

"Sai, Kakashi sensei." They look at me. "I'll be going ahead. Naruto needs you for now."

I perform a set of hand signs then slam my palm on the ground. 

"Summoning Jutsu." 

A brown guinea pig, almost the same size as Pakkun appeared.

"Hey, Kimi~!" She squeaked. 

"You summon guinea pigs?" Kakashi sensei sweat dropped.

"They're strong don't underestimate them!" I pouted. "This is Machi. She will be with you for now."

"I'll go with you, Kimiko." Sai said. "I'll make a clone and let it stay here." 

"Machi, just follow our scent later okay?" She nodded. I walk out of the inn then start running. 

A Goddess, Their Guardian (Naruto Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum