Guardian 8: I don't know how to climb a tree!

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*Kimiko's POV*

We place Kakashi sensei on a futon so he can rest for a bit. Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter healed some of his wounds.

"He overuse he's sharingan too much.." I said inspecting his wounds and his condtion. "He'll take a week to recover."

"Sensei's lucky to have a student like you." Tsunami said patting my head. What's wrong with these people who love to pat my head!? Just because I'm small.. huh!? Hmp.

"Well we defeated a strong ninja so we'll be safe for a while!" Tazuna said happily.

"By the way, who was that masked kid?" Sakura asked. I looked at her questioningly.

"Masked kid?" I asked.

"Huh? You didn't see, Kimiko-chan?" Naruto asked beside me. I shook my head.

"I space out. I think." I said recalling the past events. I was with my parents so I guess they're talking to that kid.

"That mask is worn by the hidden mist special hunter nin team. Their duty is to completely dispose of the body without a trace." Sensei explained. I know I can communicate with mom and dad. But how...?

"Tsunami-san... Could you please pick me a chrysanthemum?" I request. She nodded. After a few minutes, she returned with a yellow chrysanthemum at hand. I touch the center of the chrysanthemum as I watch the event about the mask kid. Hmm.. The needle that the kid used to hit. It's not in a vital organ. I frowned slightly.

"It couldn't be!!" I gasped. They all look at me. I just laugh awkwardly placing the chrysanthemum beside me.

"What is it, Kimiko?" Sensei asked.

"A nin tracker should dispose a body off at the place where they killed." I started. 

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked. I took a senbon from nowhere.

"Naruto make a clone." I ordered. He made a clone as I hit it on the neck. The clone collapse as I check the pulse. Nothing.. 

After a few minutes. I remove the senbon and pulse is back.

"The way he threw the senbon is the way I did. Zabuza is on a temporary death state."

"Which means that Zabuza isn't dead." They all gasped at our statement. I cross my arms and smirk.

"At least we know that he isn't dead." I said closing my eyes.

"Kimiko, how come you know this?" Sensei asked. I kept silent.

"It's knowledge." I smiled pointing at my brain. I'm still smart though.

"Aren't you thinking too much? Hunter nins are suppose to kill missing-nins." Tazuna said.

"No. With all the suspicion, we will prepare before it's too late. That's a shinobi rule." Sensei's so cool!!!

"Sensei what do you mean preparing before it' too late? You can barely move." Sakura said worriedly.

"You guys will receive training." NOOO I HATE TRAINING!!!

"What a little training going to do? Our enemy is a ninja you struggled against even with the sharingan!" Sakura exclaimed. I just rolled my eyes. I'm screwed in this place. I  can't do jutsus, I don't know how to use my chakra and now training!?? I know the taijutsu of course. It does not need chakra. Just stamina.

"Sakura, who saved me while I was struggling? You guys are growing rapidly. Especially Naruto. You improve the most." Sensei gave us his famous close eyed smile. I hate to say this but, the more he praise Naruto, the more hard headed he will be.

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