Goddess 21: Jealousy

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*Akura's PoV*

We just stayed in the middle of the crater with Kimiko on my arms. Morumatto stayed beside me as well.

My eyes widened remembering something.

"Moru, find Itachi's body." I ordered. "You know him?"

"Yes of course." He replied. He resize himself into a small guinea pig. He disappeared in a puff of smoke in search of Itachi's body.

I carried Kimiko on a bridal style and teleport us on top of the Hokage building. Her heartbeat will be back in a day according to Iyashi. That technique consume all of her remaining chakra which is bad for a mortal person. 

Indeed, she's a lucky girl.

"Akura!" Naruto approach us with Kakashi. He rush on Kimiko's side eyes wide.

"Is she... the reason why they are revived?" Naruto asked softly. Kakashi slowly walk up to us. I nodded. Tears flow on his cheeks. I mentally gave him a blank stare but currently sending a worried one.

I can't help it. Kimiko's alive and they don't know.

"Why did she risk her life again?" Naruto lowered his face. Kakashi place a hand on Naruto's shoulder as he stared at his 'dead' student with sad eyes.

Hmm.. Why do I feel like Kakashi likes Kimiko?

"Not this again." Kakashi muttered under his breath but I heard it.

"She's fine." I said casually. Naruto look at me with hate and was about to punch me when Kakashi stop him.

"Sheesh, your tears aren't worth it to cry over Kimiko. She's alive!" 

"Can't you see she's not breathing and her body is cold!?" Naruto asked clenching his fist in anger.

"She's alive. Her heartbeat temporarily stop. That jutsu may used up all her chakra but she'll be fine." Naruto relax a bit.

"How do you say so?" Kakashi asked.

"Trust me. I've been with her since we are born." Moru appeared beside me in his tiny size.

"He's safe." I thank Moru before he went back to his place.

"Let's bring her to Sakura-chan." Naruto said. I nodded and carry Kimiko in my arms. While walking, I could see Kakashi giving quick glances at Kimiko's current lifeless body.

"Akura, how did you and Kimiko finish Pein?" Naruto asked.

"A God knows how to defeat a God." I answered giving him my infamous smile. Before he could ask more, Sakura came into the view. She saw Kimiko's pale body.

"She's dead?" She asked softly holding on Kimiko's hand.

"She's alive. She'll be fine." I answered. We entered the tent and place her on one of the futon. Sakura check her heartbeat. She sighed in relief removing her hands on her heart.

"She survive." Naruto place his hand on his heart and sigh. Kakashi looks happy at the news. I wanted to test something out. I wanted to piss her sensei off.

Let's see if my theory is correct.

I knelt beside Kimiko and kiss her on her forehead. On the corner of my eye, I could see Sakura started to fan girl, Naruto's jaws drop, and Kakashi is quite angry. Jealous?

A hand land on my face making me slam on the ground. 

"I just died hours ago and this is my greeting?" I smiled at her then tackle her into a hug.

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